As a teacher, I often get questions from friends about what they can be doing to prepare their child for school. My usual answer is: nothing! Let them play! Children learn through play and rich experiences. But I’ve come to...
I still remember my kids' first days of school. My son was super excited, so excited that he didn't even bother to say goodbye when I left him.  My daughter, on the other hand, was less enthusiastic. However, after the...
I will preface this by saying that ALL teachers of ALL ages have my undying respect and devotion. However, middle school teachers, who passionately invest in these middle grades, are truly cut from a different cloth. Spending five days...
My last baby is entering the school world... I have been dreading this for the past four years. My last child entered Pre-K this fall and my heart is breaking into two. He was absolutely ready for this transition and...
A funny thing happened when my daughter turned three.  All of a sudden, she was more big girl than baby.  Fits were fewer and further between. She was finally potty trained. And she asked questions.  So many questions.  ALL THE TIME WITH...
I never thought my kids would attend public school. I deeply believed in the benefits of homeschooling. I loved teaching my kids, and I truly couldn't have imagined sending my kids off to be taught by another person all...
The last day of daycare, oh how I anticipated this day! As one friend said, they should drop confetti on your head when you make that last payment. Another said it's like getting a raise - and it is!...
  Pre-K is an exciting world of shapes, colors, new friends, and new experiences. However for the mom of a child entering Pre-K, there's no doubt that this time of year can be stressful. The thought of sending your little...
I thought I was ready.  Ever since my babies were born, we were together. Being a stay at home mom meant our days were filled with our own schedule - a fun morning out, naps, mealtimes, even the crazy witching...
Is there a subject, hobby, or activity your child is obsessed with? Well, there’s a class for that! Rose State College offers a summertime "Kids College" with weekly sessions of different interest-based classes. These niche classes include things like cartooning...
Cheers to you, Mama, for making it another full school year. When May comes around, it's a mad scramble to the finish line. Bedtimes get later, mornings seem to come earlier, and yet we still have the deadline of...
We kind of love our teachers. And with Teacher Appreciation Week coming up quickly, this couldn't have fallen at a better time!  Just a few months ago, we joined forces with Oklahoma Shirt Company and opened up our Spring T-Shirt sales....

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