Shop til you drop at these fun local markets! From seasonal goods, to handmade items - these markets have a little bit of everything for everyone on your list!   And of course, don't forget about Black Friday Shopping at the...
I have a confession to make: I wish I had been a party-planner. Every single thing about it thrills me! The planning of themes and menus, the invitations, the decorating, and most of all the coming together of friends... It's...
Eeeekkkk!! We are so excited to share this year's Shop OKC holiday gift guide with you!! Every year since I was in high school, my mom and I have had a tradition of going Christmas shopping the weekend after...
If I could earn $5 every time someone told me to not stress out over the holidays, I could pay for most of the Christmas presents. The last two years have been much easier as I get into the groove...
Let's start out by taking a quick poll.  Raise your hand if you love getting mail.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say that most of your hands are raised.  I LOVE getting mail.  I love...
Growing up in Tennessee our family always celebrated Christmas on December 24 (Santa is magical...he can come on whatever day he needs to!) because on December 25, we were packing up for a long car trip to my grandparent's...
Both of my kids have summer birthdays. That combined with Father's Day, July 4th, and juggling a big extended family is causing me to have celebrations on the brain. My 4 year old son recently and unknowingly reminded me...
  Infamous tornadoes, blistering summers and ice storms that rival Elsa’s. What good things could anyone say about Oklahoma weather? Well, as an Okie transplant that’s lived in many states and traveled to many more, I happen to love the...
Welcome to the OKC Area Shop Local Guide! This year, as you're making your list and checking it twice, we want to encourage you to SHOP LOCAL! Today might be Black Friday, but tomorrow is SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY, and we...
Christmas is the “Most Wonderful Time of The Year”, right? What if it isn’t really so wonderful in your family? What if your heart is aching for someone to celebrate with, yet your family is all alone this year? It might be...
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that a mothers Christmas tradition soon would be shared... Christmas Eve is...
I'm far from a sugar-free momma.  However, like many parents, we try to manage the amount of sugary treats in which we let our little one indulge.  When holidays roll around it can be especially difficult, so we looked...

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