The holiday season, in all its fun-filled, pecan pie, sparkly light, peppermint mocha glory, can be definitely is a stressful time for moms. What is advertised as blissful holidays off work and time with family turns into a never-ending chore list...
It seems like every time I turn around, someone is giving my child candy. For example, there was a day when she received candy as a reward in dance class, for being an exceptional helper in school, and also...
Christmas season is upon us and one of the best ways to spend cold nights with your kiddos is to snuggle up with some popcorn and watch a festive movie! There are hundreds of movies to choose from (thousands...
New Year's Eve can be hard to celebrate when you have younger kids.  The kids want to stay up late and ring in the New Year with mom and dad, but what do you plan between their normal bedtime...
There are so many things I want to teach my children.  SOOOOO many things that I feel they need to learn to be a contributing member of the human race:  work hard, pick up after yourself, be gracious, say...
I will be the first to admit that holidays have gotten a little out of hand, at least, if you scroll through Pinterest, you feel like every other mom (that you do not know) is doing every holiday BIG!...
Oklahoma City Museum of Art This events guide is brought to you by the Oklahoma City Museum of Art presenting Sacred Words: The Saint John’s Bible and the Art of Illumination now on view. The Saint John’s Bible is the...
As parents, we want to be there for all of our child's moments, from the small and mundane to the big and spectacular. With divorce, we not only navigate through all of the grown-up "mess", but also recognize that...
When it comes to Easter baskets, I am usually on top of things. I start collecting items for weeks before: things my child wants, needs, and some things that are just fun. But some years, I look up and realize...
Oh, hi. I didn’t see you there. *sets down Elf on the Shelf* You’ve come here looking for answers on how to take the most fa-la-lovely family photo. And I’ve got a cornucopia of solutions waiting just for you. In no time,...

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