Does your kid snore like a trucker? Samesies. Maybe they have constant strep or sleep apnea. You know what might be in your future? A kind ENT looking you right in your eyeballs and telling you "Those are literally...
Guess what?! You can be a great mom, even if you're not a "little kid person." That's me. I'm not a little kid person. Yikes! Taboo subject! Before you come at me, I love so much about the little kid stage. I...
We've all been there.  Your sweet little toddler suddenly throws themselves on the ground in a public place, crying and screaming like you've sentenced them to a lifetime of time-out with no cookies and no Daniel Tiger EVER AGAIN. When, in...
Hi. My name is Lauren, and I am married to a coach. Specifically football and slow-pitch softball. Two sports that I know very little about. Well...technically I know very little about most sports. I'm not exactly what you would call...
It's the day I knew would come, and I must say I have more mixed emotions than I thought I would. It is time to say goodbye to nap time in our house. With some reluctance, but also relief,...
The year was 2017. I had a newborn and an almost two-year-old who I was potty training. No one told me to try to potty train a 22-month-old immediately after giving birth, but there I was. I was sure -...
So I don’t know how in the Boss Baby heck he did it, but I’m fairly certain my toddler has been trained with CIA-level torture tactics. 1. Sleep deprivation: He likes to fall asleep before I do and then the very...
A few days ago, my daughter was particularly energetic. Jumping off the furniture. Spinning in circles. Standing just out of arms reach and proposing an invitation to "Catch me!" In the midst of all this activity, I jokingly said,...
Swimsuit shopping was the worst.  I didn't like it as a kid. Because I shopped in the "Pretty Plus" sections at Sears. That's the nice way of saying "your daughter is a little chubby." Gone were my dreams of having a...
Do you have a kiddo that loves all things games? Our 5-year-old is all about the games, be it board games, card games, video games, you name it. He likes to live his life to the fullest, in that sense....
  When PBS announced that they were canceling the long-running show, Calliou, it felt like 2021 was off to a great start. After 20 years, parents everywhere were able to take a collective sigh of relief. No more whining. No...
Have twins they said. It will be fun, they said.  Okay, actually no one said that and we obviously had zero choice in the matter, but from the day I heard the words, "oh good, it's ONLY twins," my world...

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