Have twins they said. It will be fun, they said.  Okay, actually no one said that and we obviously had zero choice in the matter, but from the day I heard the words, "oh good, it's ONLY twins," my world...
As a summer baby and a mother of a summer baby, I know all too well the challenges Oklahoma can bring when planning a birthday party. Some of you may not know this, but it can get too hot...
During my last pregnancy I set lofty goals for myself postpartum. I was going to breastfeed until my daughter was one-year-old, without the need of supplementing. My first two breastfeeding experiences were less than successful in my own eyes. Daughter...
I am a textbook Type-A Personality and I always have been... In Elementary School, I would beg my Mom to start buying my school supplies in June. In High School, if there was an A/P class, concurrent enrollment option, or scholarship,...
I've tried to write this post a thousand different times in a thousand different ways. And I have come up with no clever way to say these words.  So I'll just say them plainly.  My VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean)...
No.  How often do we say it in a day? How often do we say it to our toddlers, only to have them smile or laugh and repeat the action that caused the "no" in the first place? Fun, right? As...
I'm new to this mom game. Growing up babysitting in my small town, I thought I would have a general idea of how to raise a baby. And, yes, I can feed, change a diaper, and get my little...
I say potty training is a saga because so far I've seen 3 different versions and am looking forward to the 4th! I'm pretty sure the 4th will start soon. There have already been indicators that he might be ready....
I've never been one to feel old when another birthday came around. When I would hear friends say they feel so old at 25, 28, 30, I didn't share the sentiment. That is, not until 2020.  It wasn't that I...
12 x 4 inch, extra large, deep fried, custom designed donuts. No, I'm not drafting an incredibly hip wedding dessert spread, or describing the precise thing your cardiologist tells you not to eat once you hit 45. That's just...
Dear A + S, There are moments in life that capture you and never let you go. For me that moment was almost 3 years ago when you changed my life forever. I sat in the ultrasound room waiting to see my...
I used to be such a good mom. Then I had a kid. See, before I was a mom, I knew all the answers. I knew the secrets, the tips, the obvious dos and don’ts of motherhood. Because, I was...

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