We, moms, have a huge power to influence the next generation of human beings. It is up to us to make consent cool and so common that our kiddos don’t know a life without it. Consent comes down to...
I’ve heard the analogy that books can be described as mirrors and/or windows. Mirrors that allow us to see ourselves in literature. Windows that give us a view into others’ lives.  As an avid reader, I have found myself adding...
Swimsuit shopping was the worst.  I didn't like it as a kid. Because I shopped in the "Pretty Plus" sections at Sears. That's the nice way of saying "your daughter is a little chubby." Gone were my dreams of having a...
To all of the Virtual Learning Moms out there, I have one thing to say to you: You are ROCK STARS.  When I say rock stars, what I really mean is that you are magical unicorns with incredible powers to face...
Spring is here! It's time to swap winter sweats for spring shorts, sweatshirts for t-shirts, and boots for flip flops. Who else is ready? I enjoy shopping for our four kiddos. It's an act of service and love that provides...
My daughter has been asking for a cell phone since she was in second grade. Second grade! That is insanity to me. I had to wait until the morning of my 16th birthday to receive the very first brick Nokia....
When you picture home birth do you get anxious, skeptical, or even weirded out?  Then this post is just for you.  OKC Moms Blog's resident home birthers (contributors Becky and Anna) want to clear up some misconceptions and hopefully...
When I was pregnant with my daughter, I signed my husband and me up for all the classes that our hospital offered. Birth, breastfeeding, newborn care...you name it, we were there. The only one we missed was the night they...
Do you have a kiddo that loves all things games? Our 5-year-old is all about the games, be it board games, card games, video games, you name it. He likes to live his life to the fullest, in that sense....
“Daddy, it’s Friday! Can we get our Robux?” Every other week or so, my husband gifts our two daughters, aged 8 and 12, with online game currency to play Roblox. For those not familiar, Roblox is an online game platform...
  When PBS announced that they were canceling the long-running show, Calliou, it felt like 2021 was off to a great start. After 20 years, parents everywhere were able to take a collective sigh of relief. No more whining. No...
I grew up in a family that went big for every holiday, something I attribute to my mom. Valentine's Day was one of my favorite holidays. Now that I'm an adult, I don't usually think of Valentine's Day as...

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