She wouldn't sleep. But... She had been recently night time potty trained... she was sick with strep and I let her sleep in my bed... we had guests... I was sick... The list could go on and on. I sat...
Hi. My name is Becky. I'm a mom and I overshare. There. I said it. If you follow me on social media, over the past 4 years, I've kept you up to speed with my adventures in motherhood. I, honestly, played...
As is true with most motherhood-induced discoveries, I hadn't put much thought into baby food before my son started eating solid foods. I hadn't looked for baby food in the aisles of Target, and I certainly hadn't considered how...
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes. Five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear. That's how long my baby has been outside of my womb. No I didn't do the math. Rent did it for me. But I've been...
Naming your baby is huge.  I don't know about you, but I have been working on my baby name lists since elementary school.  The front runners have changed over the years, which is probably for the best, but the...
I came across this article the other day and laughed because it really hit home with me--it was a relief to know I wasn't the only one who did crazy things after becoming pregnant. I thought I would share with...
I think most moms are aware that after giving birth, one's body changes. Some things are squishier, some are saggier, some are stretch-markier, and weight is just redistributed in different places. We discuss these things at play dates and...
We are thrilled to be hosting our very first event specifically for new and expecting moms! We are excited to be partnering with City Moms Blog Network and 40 of our other sister sites to bring local communities this...
I just had my second baby.  He's generally laid back, happy, and in my completely unbiased opinion, is one of the top two cutest kids in existence. As soon as I found out I was pregnant with him, I knew I...
It starts so innocently; something comes up in conversation, someone shares some news with you, or you simply notice something and before you know it you are doing the the most dangerous thing a parent can do - you are...
One of the first pieces of advice I received during pregnancy was probably,"Sleep while you can!".  I was given fair warning that babies aren't born knowing how to sleep on command.  However, the months (okay- years if you are my...
I’m pregnant with baby #3 and due this spring! It’s hard to believe that just four years ago I was taking care of a newborn, my oldest, not knowing a thing about babies or being a mom. Now, here...

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