I've always loved babies. I have pictures of myself at 11, holding and obsessing over tiny little babies. I took care of them every week at church and babysat all my friends' kids for years. I had friends who...
Our family has always loved football, and so we were thrilled when our young kids showed interest in learning the game too! Flag football continues to rise in popularity and is one of the fastest growing sports among families,...
Change is coming in our household. A big change. In about four months our family of 3 (4 if you can count the dog) will be growing by another member! Our daughter is 5 years old and is probably...
There is nothing glamorous about the first trimester of pregnancy. Let's just all agree to agree on that before we proceed. The first trimester is about as glamorous as that LAST agonizing month (which I'm fairly certain contains 2,646,513,544...
    12 a.m.  Crying baby. Stumbling to kitchen for a bottle.  Trying to remember how to change a diaper. Staring blankly at the wall.      3:17 a.m. Repeat.     3:38 a.m. Repeat, ad nauseam... Becoming a mom is exhausting. Multiply that exhaustion by the number...
In about two weeks, my second son will be in my arms. Well before this point in my pregnancy with my first son (just last year), the nursery was complete, the diaper bag packed and my "go-bag" was ready...
As a new mom, we often enter motherhood with expectations of what life will be like with an infant. Then once our baby is here, we’re plunged into the ocean's depths, trying to figure out how to navigate this...
I recently read an article claiming that moms are asked, on average, 23 questions per hour by their preschool aged children, (or about 300 per day if you're staying home)!  As the mom of a three and half year...
In March of 2020, I took our newfound quarantine as a challenge to do as many fun at-home activities with my kids as I possibly could. Looking back at my Facebook memories from that time, I was honestly really...
Spring is here and that brings warmer weather! We can finally play outside, but do we? I took my one-year-old to the park today and he was so happy collecting acorns, sticks, and crumpling up old leaves. It was a...
I don’t think I will ever forget the comment made to me on the Mother’s Day before my son was born.  I was 8 months pregnant, miserable, and fully cankled.  There was a discussion taking place about what each...
  Ah, summer. The season for BBQs, pool parties, iced tea, and of course, the dreaded swim suit. If you’re a mom you probably approach this season with the same excitement you have for getting your teeth pulled.   Between the baby fat...

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