It always happens in the early morning hours: my nine-week-old daughter slips into a fitful slumber only to wake up just as I'm settling in for some much needed sleep. I slide sluggishly out from under the covers, uttering...
  The average age of a first time mother is 26.  When I was 26, I had two children and a third on the way.  I had kids young...but I don't regret it. About a year ago, I was sitting in a Bible class...
My oldest is getting ready to start Pre-K at the public school this year (he calls it his big boy school)!  I can't believe he's old enough for this.  As excited as I am, I am equally as nervous...
My husband is from Arizona, so we knew from the start of my pregnancy that we would be taking a trip back to visit his family within the first few months of our daughter's life. I spent hours scouring...
I really never gave much thought to breastfeeding with my first son. I simply had the same approach I had to childbirth: no plan, trust the professionals, let it come...or not. I'll deal either way. I made it 3...
Breastfeeding may be the most natural thing in the world, but it is definitely not the easiest for many moms! I remember when I brought my first home from the hospital, determined and confident in my ability to feed...
Today has been one of those days. The baby, who has Colic, has been extra fussy and high maintenance. My two-year-old daughter, who is having a hard time adjusting to not being the baby anymore, is in a really...
It's not always easy being a Mom. Each hour can be different, and can be full of laughs, rewards, challenges, and tears. And there are undoubtedly  moments that happen in your every day life that can only be explained by the phrase "I'm a Mom." So,...
Aside from some seriously swollen cankles and some minor mood swings, I had a relatively lackluster (read: glowless) pregnancy. That is, until 35 weeks when I developed severe preeclampsia and had to deliver my baby immediately. Throughout my entire pregnancy...
When I was young, I assumed I would have kids someday, but I was never one of those girls who had names picked out before they were even participating in the activities that lead to creating babies. I guess...
I'm sure we've all heard it from someone, or read it somewhere, but my current life motto is this: having a toddler is hard. In all honestly, they're kinda jerks. Of course, infancy is spent mostly in an exhausted...
In celebration of Father's Day this year we thought we'd bring you some very special guest contributors - our husbands!  We hope you enjoy this unique view into #dadlife from the men in our lives.  Growing up, my parents instilled...

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