I’ll be the first to admit I give my kids Ted Talks during our drives. Of course, this is AFTER I’m done with my car-choreography…because I’m not like a regular mom, I’m a cool mom. (For those of you who...
A few months ago I was sprucing up a random room in our house, probably the laundry room, and my husband laughed and said, "Babe, not every room in the house has to look like it belongs in a...
I know that you hear "Wouldn't you love to be your own boss?" and immediately think, RUN AWAY! (Like you should.) And most of the "work from home as a mom" opportunities posted online are sketchy at best. But making...
"She reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live." -Annie Dillard Reading has always been life-giving to me; a way to adventure through someone else's world for a little while. I was the kid who checked...
WHAT--shopping in a STORE with KIDS in 2020?! How dare I! I know, I know. Moms never generally got excited about making grocery trips with young children--and since the virus-that-may-not-be-named, even quick stops into a store can cause serious anxiety...
So you've done it. You've made the bold and terrifying choice to start a Whole30 journey, and maybe you're freaking out a little. Been there. Done that.  Whole30 is an awesome eating plan. It helps your body reset, lessens your...
If you’re reading this, congratulations…you’ve made it to Level 11 of 2020.  But there’s no telling what trickery Level 12 is going to bring. Santa is cancelled? Carol Baskin’s missing husband is found alive? At this point, if my cat started speaking Spanish...
I was a competitive gymnast for 13 years, a coach of all ages for 6 years, and a high school gymnastics judge for 3 years. If you have a question about cartwheels or pointed toes, I’m your girl. (Just be...
Naptime is a mother's best friend. It's the short vacation that you need to survive, the chance to secretly eat some chocolate, and psych yourself up for the rest of the day. It's the only quiet moment that you...
If you give a family COVID, they'll be stuck at home for over two weeks. When they're stuck at home for two weeks with no end in sight, they'll probably lose their minds.  I won't turn this into a witty...
If “staying home” is the new “going out”, why not make it work for your wallet? Being home gives us more opportunities to organize, declutter, and save up – just in time for the holidays. Below are a few...
Every year after the OKC Memorial Marathon I see photos of friends donning their medals, posting adorable photos of their kids and families cheering them on with signs at the finish line and beaming with pride and sweat and...

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In + Around OKC