I'm a horticulturist and we have lots of plants in our landscape. We're outside a lot. My 4-year-old son loves to help me in the vegetable garden, and both of my kids love to help me check the plants...
When I tell people that I live in the neighborhood I grew up in, and consequently the one my parents still occupy, I'm often met with mixed responses. "Oh, I could never live that close to my parents," some...
Help Me, PBS Kids, You're My Only Hope I'm not what you'd call a helicopter parent. I don't tend to hover or fuss generally. In fact, I joke that sometimes I'm more of a submarine parent. You may not know...
If there's one thing parenthood has taught me, it's "never say never." I never thought I'd be a stay-at-home-mom.  I never thought I'd leave my career of almost 10 years. I never thought I'd end up with several part-time gigs that are...
City Facebook groups: Keeping the drama alive since the beginning of Facebook time. I live in a pretty small town, and our local Facebook group keeps me truly, madly entertained. If I'm bored or having a rough day and need a...
When I was 17, my parents flew me to College Station, Texas, to help my grandparents for 6 weeks. My granddaddy was dying and they knew he would be gone soon. My grandmother would certainly need someone able-bodied to...
Dear Mama Whose Partner Works Long Hours, From the moment you wake up in the morning to your little ones yelling "Mama! Get up!" to the moment you finish the bedtime routine with a special song and walk out of...
One of our values as a family is health, and as part of that, I want to know what ingredients are used in our food, our personal care products, our cleaning products...anything we come into contact with on a...
If you’re like most of America right now, you’ve been swept up in the newest de-clutttering craze thanks to a certain show on Netflix. My husband has been Kondo-crazy since we watched the first episode of Tidying Up. As...
Have you ever been at a local park or pool in the summer and seen young women caring for children — and occasionally speaking to each other in another language? Chances are they are au pairs, living with host...
Hygge. You may have seen this odd word as you scrolled through Pinterest or Instagram and wondered, “What is that?” or, more likely, “How in the world do you say that??” Pronounced “hoo-gah,” hygge is the Danish art of creating...
Grade school science class is where your children might first hear about recycling. I used to sheepishly duck the question, "Why don't we recycle, Mom?" There's nothing like your own children calling you on your Earth Day principles. Under the...

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