I was born to please. As I've said before, being an "easy kid" is not all it's cracked up to be. Rebellion was never in my blood, but I experienced the same extreme ups and downs as any other teenager....
Hi! I’m Kaylee. I’m an Oklahoma transplant from Buffalo New York, which is a fun conversation starter. I'm married to a tech nerd, have two insanely cute kids, I own a business and a lot of other things I'd...
I have cancer. It's the rare kind. Literally one in a million. The kind where treatment looks a lot like, "Let's try this and see what happens." The kind that affects multiple systems within my body. In 2017, this cancer...
When I was a teen/in my early 20s I had an eating disorder. You know what? That’s just not true. I still have an eating disorder. I will always have one. I don’t have a unique story. Per the International Journal of...
When I was pregnant with my daughter, I signed my husband and me up for all the classes that our hospital offered. Birth, breastfeeding, newborn care...you name it, we were there. The only one we missed was the night they...
I’ll be the first to admit I give my kids Ted Talks during our drives. Of course, this is AFTER I’m done with my car-choreography…because I’m not like a regular mom, I’m a cool mom. (For those of you who...
My husband and I lived in Hangzhou (pronounced HONG-jo), China in the 2012-2013 school year. Like many Americans that travel to China, we taught at a University there. We taught engineering majors all about English pronunciation and Western culture....
We’ve all heard that saying right? Usually in context of a funny GIF or meme or something along those lines, and they are hilarious. That phrase, however, took on a different meaning for me in the last couple years....
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM), and there’s no better time to improve your child’s oral health! When it comes to protecting your kiddo’s smile, prevention is key. By combining healthy habits at home with regular dental...
My background is in technical writing. I've written for the Oklahoma Gardener magazine, which is no longer in publication. I've written for OSU's Department of Horticulture Newsletter, I write my own seasonal newsletter The Hort Exhort, I've written OSU...
  Disclaimer: This post is written by our contributor, who is a Physician’s Assistant. This is a generalized overview of stomach bugs, but if you feel your child may have stomach problems, we urge you to always contact your child’s own medical...
So you've done it. You've made the bold and terrifying choice to start a Whole30 journey, and maybe you're freaking out a little. Been there. Done that.  Whole30 is an awesome eating plan. It helps your body reset, lessens your...

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