Friend me on Facebook, and I more than likely will be able to locate your kid on any given day. I know you’re out of the house running at 7 p.m. and I know the streets you run, thanks to...
Let's play a game! I want you to pick urgent care or emergency department (ED) for each of the following scenarios.  Sally has just fallen off the monkey bars at school and hurt her wrist. There isn't any blood; her...
I don't know about you ladies, but the middle of the week is a little lot crazy for our family. My four boys are fairly young (all aged seven and younger) and we aren't involved in tons of extracurricular...
Traveling with children is never easy.  It requires extra planning, extra packing, and expecting the unexpected. Inevitably, the dreaded question enters your mind: "What do we do with the car seats?"  Let's be honest. Traveling with car seats can...
“Oh! I’m fine. It’s nothing!” – a simple phrase I often hear from mothers, the ever self-sacrificing force in a family unit. We often place ourselves last while juggling the responsibilities of caring for our loved ones. Sometimes though,...
*Disclaimer: All of these stories you are about to hear are true. They may not have happened to me or my children but to people I know. If you have not had first hand experience with one of them...
Ya'll, I did it. I freaking did it! I had my sweet baby boy eight months ago, and I ran my first half marathon yesterday. A friend challenged me years ago to run a half-marathon at some point in...
Mommas who are, have, and will survive the tummy bug this year know the deepest, darkest depths of mommy despair that I would never wish on anyone. When you are pregnant and creating these precious bundles of joy NO...
  I've entered it, my fourth decade. And guess what? There are definitely some challenges, a fair amount of "what the heck?" moments and also some pretty fabulous bright spots. It is a decade unlike any I've experienced so far and it does seem to have a few...
  "Literally in the consultation for my daughter, I made an appointment for myself.  I could tell the care was going to be great and I wanted to do something for myself too!" Jeannie Russell  Moms, there is always going to...
Moms are notorious for multi-tasking and being short on time. So I love to do anything that accomplishes multiple purposes at once. A few years ago I led 'mom and me' workouts on nearby playgrounds. I loved the idea...
Pregnancy is not the time to let yourself go. It is not an excuse to eat whatever you want. It is not the time for you to rationalize that second piece of pie, or laying on the couch when you...

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