It's the day I knew would come, and I must say I have more mixed emotions than I thought I would. It is time to say goodbye to nap time in our house. With some reluctance, but also relief,...
Hi. My name is Lauren, and I am married to a coach. Specifically football and slow-pitch softball. Two sports that I know very little about. Well...technically I know very little about most sports. I'm not exactly what you would call...
I remember my former life, before kids. I used to go to a building every day. Sit and drink my coffee while turning my computer on and getting ready for my class to arrive. Before that, I was a...
Remember the saying, "I hope my child's attitude will help them lead a company instead of a prison gang"? Yeah, me too. I get it; every day is a struggle with a two-year-old. It might be a struggle to...
It can be exhausting when your child has trouble falling asleep at night. As parents, our to-do list these days seems unending, and after a long day, the last thing we need is our child(ren) fighting us about sleep. As...
One of the most exciting times of my kids toddler years is getting their own bed!  We have tried to make it a special coming of age tradition in our household as much as possible and it is something...
If I'm being honest, the title of this post should have been "TRYING to Keep a Toddler Entertained While Home-Schooling." When we decided not to send our four-year-old to school this year, I really had zero reservations about keeping...
Have twins they said. It will be fun, they said.  Okay, actually no one said that and we obviously had zero choice in the matter, but from the day I heard the words, "oh good, it's ONLY twins," my world...
It was a busy, sunny day in the narrow streets of Luxembourg City. We were browsing around a small shop when our son woke up crying. Uh oh, somebody's hungry! These shops are tiny, crowded, and hot. Definitely not enough room...
The Storm clouds begin to gather Uh oh, I thought, seeing my son's teacher pop up on my caller ID. We are three days into Pre-K, and I thought things were going well. He woke up at 5:45 on Monday morning...
My child is stuck on repeat If you have gone through the toddler stage you know they can easily discover a favorite book, song, show, toy, movie or a hundred other items and words. Then they are suddenly obsessed. My four-year-old...
Picture this: You attempt to quietly plod into a silent room with huge glass windows and tall ceilings, shushing the little monkeys (whose monkeys are these anyway?) that never seem to realize the circus is closed for business, all...

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