Motherhood is an exhausting job, yet often one that comes with little recognition for the many tasks required in a single day. • Feed them breakfast • Find shoes, backpacks, and coats • Pack their lunches • Morning carpool drop off • Well-child checkups...
Picture this: You attempt to quietly plod into a silent room with huge glass windows and tall ceilings, shushing the little monkeys (whose monkeys are these anyway?) that never seem to realize the circus is closed for business, all...
When it came time for me to register for my wedding, I was all over it! I actually convinced my husband-to-be to register on Super Bowl Sunday. I promised him that we could have lunch after church, register and...
People talk about postpartum depression, and spouses and family members are taught to keep a watchful eye over the new mom following childbirth. But, what about during pregnancy? A certain amount of worry during pregnancy is normal, but there comes a...
So, momma, is your child in daycare or with an at-home provider while you work?  From one daycare mom to another, I know that can be difficult.  But I also know that it can be a great experience.  All three of...
  Have you seen that meme that says “I thought I’d be a Pinterest mom, but turns out I’m more of an Amazon Prime mom”? Yeah? Well, that’s me. We are from a rural farming town in western Oklahoma and we...
Let me start out by saying that these 'rules' are not a one size fits all. However, in my years as a nanny to multiple sets of multiples and now as a mom to 9 (yes, 9!) littles, it's...
Nursing can be a beautiful bonding experience for moms. Some of the most beautiful newborn pictures I have ever seen have been of moms nursing their babies in a beautiful rocking chair in a nursery taken straight out of...
It's the day I knew would come, and I must say I have more mixed emotions than I thought I would. It is time to say goodbye to nap time in our house. With some reluctance, but also relief,...
How would you describe yourself? Does a coffee-drinking, legging-wearing, messy updo sound familiar? Do you feel hurried and stressed? Feel like you never have a free moment at home, let alone to cook and clean? Are you always in...
  When PBS announced that they were canceling the long-running show, Calliou, it felt like 2021 was off to a great start. After 20 years, parents everywhere were able to take a collective sigh of relief. No more whining. No...
Our cars need regular maintenance like oil changes, windshield wiper fluid, tire rotation, etc. to keep things running smoothly. Our houses need it too; new air filter, water filter, and fixing that broken step or loose banister. Our pets...

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