Like many of you, this was a year of simplifying for my family. We carefully waded through piles of our unused belongings and made our goal living with less. Our oldest son (who is the king of hoarding lids...
This month, my baby girl turns one. ONE. How has one whole year flown by? In some ways, it feels like an eternity, but in more ways, it has absolutely flown by and here I sit, contemplating every little...
How would you describe yourself? Does a coffee-drinking, legging-wearing, messy updo sound familiar? Do you feel hurried and stressed? Feel like you never have a free moment at home, let alone to cook and clean? Are you always in...
During my last pregnancy I set lofty goals for myself postpartum. I was going to breastfeed until my daughter was one-year-old, without the need of supplementing. My first two breastfeeding experiences were less than successful in my own eyes. Daughter...
My husband is from Arizona, so we knew from the start of my pregnancy that we would be taking a trip back to visit his family within the first few months of our daughter's life. I spent hours scouring...
As I hurriedly buckled my (screaming) 8 month old in her car seat, shoved everything in the diaper bag, and sprinted out of the restaurant, I was reminded of why I avoid going to public places. While my husband and our...
The first time I visited an art museum, I was seventeen. I was blown away and infatuated. Since that first visit, I’ve cultivated a long-term relationship with art museums, visiting with my husband and friends when traveling and at...
I came across this article the other day and laughed because it really hit home with me--it was a relief to know I wasn't the only one who did crazy things after becoming pregnant. I thought I would share with...
No.  How often do we say it in a day? How often do we say it to our toddlers, only to have them smile or laugh and repeat the action that caused the "no" in the first place? Fun, right? As...
So we're expecting baby number 2! I'll wait a minute to give you all a few minutes to run around the room in excitement... When I'm pregnant, I'm sick... and I mean REALLY REALLY sick. I feel kind of like...
If your blonde haired self and your dirty blonde husband go in to the hospital to deliver a baby, and the nurse hands you a red head, you might be a little shocked. If you feel a little shocked, you...
Up until this year, I have only watched from afar as cars and trucks and minivans methodically lined up each day outside schools scattered around town. I've watched as cute kids with matching backpacks and lunchboxes and perfectly coiffed...

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