The Messy Mom Mobile

Every single time my husband gets in my car I get the eye rolls and, “Why is it so hard to keep your car clean?” “Have the kids help you” and “try to be better organized”. 

I have 4 kids. That’s not an excuse. It’s just nearly impossible to keep my car clean and that’s a fact (at least in my world).

Here are the mom truths that make me feel better in the daily struggle.

Who takes the kids to school, sports and all the extras a majority of the time? I do.

When you have multiple kids going in different directions, eating on the fly becomes the norm. Left over Chick-fil-A boxes end up on the floor and the dipping sauce usually spills in the cupholders mixed with old gum. That’s always a good scrub for someone!

I remember one time my husband created the rule “no eating in the car”. Ha, that lasted a week. 

The minute I pick them up from school, they need a snack. After sports, they need a snack. Running errands, they need a snack. The second my car door opens, they need a snack. Its the “snackmobile”. I let my kids eat in the car because as most moms know: kids with snacks are happy kids and a stress-free car ride for mom.

Recently I was driving around with a matchbox car rolling around in the window compartment in the backseat. Every single stop and turn that car rolled back and forth. Things like this make us mentally strong and patient. It’s the mom virtue of self-control.

There’s always a stray soccer ball rolling around in the trunk, left over water bottles, hoodies and jackets. The doors are covered in fingerprints and the windows have smiley faces from dirty little hands.

I have a stash of napkins within reach in my driver side door for that emergency messy sneeze in the backseat. When I drive my husband’s car, someone always sneezes and I can NEVER find a napkin or a wet wipe. 

Sure “my” section isn’t really organized. It’s full of coffee cups, hair ties and lip gloss but those are things that contribute to my daily function.

My car may not be perfect inside, but it has all the things any little kid would need and it gets life done.

Saving the best for last is “the junk drawer,” also known as the center console. It is full of “all the things”: diapers, wet wipes, Chapstick, medicine, extra socks, snacks and gum. This section is like the hallelujah of all mom cars! It’s the icing on the cake and the section that drives my husband ultra bonkers. 

That is the (true) story of “the messy mom car vs. the husband”. It’s a real thing. 




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Richelle Byrne
Richelle is originally from Minnesota and moved to Oklahoma in 1998! She now resides in Arcadia with her husband of 15 years and 4 boys (10,8,6 and 1). She also has a stepdaughter who is 23 and is getting married this year! Richelle is going on her 20th year in the real estate industry and enjoys helping many families obtain the dream of owning or selling a home. In her free time, she enjoys being outside exploring with her family, having movie nights, lunch dates with friends and working out at Orangetheory. One day she hopes to live on some land and own a cow!


  1. The struggle is real! Love the article! We are about to go on a road trip and the first thing on the list is clean the car🤣

  2. Yes! You nailed it! We tried the no eating in the car thing.. it was not worth the struggle for me at least! Great article!!


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