Spring fever brings out the rebel in many of us. After Spring Break has passed, we enter the Death Valley of the school calendar. Eight or more weeks of school pass with no holidays or three-day weekends. Everyone, from...
Last school year ended like the scene in Titanic when the old lady drops the Heart of the Ocean into the water instead of selling it and leaving the millions of dollars it was worth to her next of...
I couldn't wait to turn 16! The journey to get my driver's license seemed simple 25 years ago. I attended Driver's Education, also known as Driver's Ed, during first hour of my sophomore year. Coach Smith taught the basics, ran...
Cheers to you, Mama, for making it another full school year. When May comes around, it's a mad scramble to the finish line. Bedtimes get later, mornings seem to come earlier, and yet we still have the deadline of...
This post has been on my heart to write for months upon months upon months. As I sit down to write it, again and again, I do so with tear-filled eyes and a broken heart. Five years ago, I was...
I recently became a homeschooling mom. It doesn’t surprise me that I landed here, but I also never envisioned myself actually taking the plunge. I was raised in public school and had a wonderful experience. I attended a public...
Whether you’ve been a stay at home mom, work from home mom, or a full time working mom, preparing to send your baby off to their first year of school can be tough on your mama heart. You’ve spent...
Right now, my husband and I are in an "in between" state with lots of questions about our 4 year old son. It's the kind of state where I've lost sleep and driven myself crazy by going deeper and deeper...
I will preface this by saying that ALL teachers of ALL ages have my undying respect and devotion. However, middle school teachers, who passionately invest in these middle grades, are truly cut from a different cloth. Spending five days...
This is my daughter's first year in school, so I'm a newbie when it comes to shopping for those back-to-school necessities. When I got the school supply list, I got a little excited. Who doesn't love school supplies?! But then...
Most people know the routine for children going back to school each year. As summer days draw to an end, you will find parents shopping for school supplies, picking out a new lunch box and backpack. They clean out...
To all of the Virtual Learning Moms out there, I have one thing to say to you: You are ROCK STARS.  When I say rock stars, what I really mean is that you are magical unicorns with incredible powers to face...

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