In July 2011, I experienced a missed miscarriage. The pregnancy was found to be "no longer viable" during an ultrasound around 10 weeks and I was immediately sent to the hospital to prepare for a D&C the following day....
Dear and plump little arms around my neck, a sweaty child's palm cupping my cheek, a flash of glaring brown eyes looking at her dad and then back at me. "NO, MY MAMA!" my first daughter would assert, while...
I was only 9 years old when the bombing of the Oklahoma City Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building occurred. I don't pretend and say that I felt the "rumble" in my 3rd grade classroom, nor do I honestly remember...
After I get my kids to bed, I plop down on the couch with the laundry basket full of un-matched socks, a task that has waited a month for me to get to. It hit me in that moment,...
My sister and brother-in-law began fostering this year. When they got their first placement, I couldn’t wait to come visit. After all, this beautiful baby boy had instantly made me an aunt! I packed up my three kids for...
We recently lost our fur baby, Pearl the Pug. She was a Christmas present to me from my husband (then boyfriend) after only one year of dating. Bold, right? Pearl was with us for 13 wonderful years. I used to...
To be completely honest, I used to throw a huge eye roll at the term “Cyber-Bully.” I saw the term used (and dare I say, over-used) again and again by what seemed like every teen and twenty-something out there....
I have wanted a big family for as long as I can remember. My mom has pictures of me at three-years-old laying my “kids” down for naps, ten baby dolls all in a row. I only grew up with...
We have been judging kids based on their behavior, and it’s time to change. I get it. We like good kids! The ones who always listen to authority, use their manners, and respond to discipline and time-outs the way we...
When our children are born, they are like empty vessels. For the first few years, we parents like to think that we are the ones filling them. We're not always, though. They are constantly learning. If there's an area...
I'm one of "those" parents. We have three kiddos, ranging in age from 3 to 14. And y'all, when I say we're a family that limits screen time, I mean we reeeaalllly limit screen time. Our 14-year-old still has a flip...
With everyone on high alert and preparing to #flattenthecurve by way of self-quarantine, I've taken this opportunity to clean out rather than stock up. In general, we mamas know the drill come spring! Something inside us stirs, and we...

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