“If you don't stop crying, we’re going home.” “You can’t play because you’re crying.” “Stop crying.” “There’s nothing to cry about.” I hear these cringe-worthy phrases from desperate parents and caregivers on a regular basis when I’m out in public with my toddler. Don’t...
If you haven't been to We Rock the Spectrum recently, it's time to go back! Inspired by their precious youngest daughter who has Down's Syndrome, the owners of We Rock the Spectrum, Gwen and Richard Batchelor, have been working...
As the closing day on our home quickly approached, my mom to-do list compounded and compounded to be ready for the moving truck. I had so much to do with so little time, especially with a business trip scheduled...
Your kids have been cooped up inside all winter. So, they're a little bit crazy, you're a little bit crazy and you're wondering if there's anything they can do outside right now? Well, there sure is if you want to...
Social Distancing. It's a phrase that none of us would have understood two months ago but is now our new normal for the foreseeable future. It's necessary, it's important, and we are all doing our best to flatten that...
If you're reading this blog post, there's a good chance you're a parent. Since you're reading this in the year 2020, there's a very good chance that you're a very TIRED parent. Tired of wondering if you're making the right...
As an adult, I have determined people can still hurt my feelings. Intentional or not, I still find myself wondering how a person could not see how their choice affected me. There are times I find myself in a...
It's been a long year...one we never envisioned or planned on. As mamas, there have been many times this year that we didn't even know what we needed. And as an OKC Mom team, we want to meet YOUR...
The beginning of 2021 was a little bit like opening your baby's door to check on them. You c.a.r.e.f.u.l.l.y turn the door handle, slooooowly open the door, and hold your breath while you tiptoe towards the bed. Even though many...
I've always been a fairly calm, collected person. There isn't a whole lot that stresses me out too much, and I have a pretty positive outlook on most things. Thankfully, I never dealt with anxiety growing up. I didn't...
I recently went on a trip that required me to fly with my newborn baby.  Flying with any aged child is not for the faint of heart. It takes preparation, patience, and flexibility. Here are a few tips to help...
The weather is finally cooling off. Sunset-colored leaves are falling from the trees and drying up to create that satisfying underfoot crunch. There are pumpkins stacked in Instagram-worthy heaps being sold by the roadside. More and more miniature graveyards...

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