My son recently celebrated his first birthday. Well, let’s be real, I celebrated his first birthday. He just had a grand time tearing up wrapping paper and putting on a show for his many admirers. All of the decorations, food,...
I've had this scene play out more times than I can remember.... I strike up a conversation at a park or play place with another adult, and the topic of conversation eventually leads to work. "So, what do you do?" They...
Autumn is my FAVORITE time of the year. I love that I can step outside and not immediately break out in sweat. I love the ease and smells of soup cooking in my crockpot all day long. And, I...
I’ve heard the analogy that books can be described as mirrors and/or windows. Mirrors that allow us to see ourselves in literature. Windows that give us a view into others’ lives.  As an avid reader, I have found myself adding...
It seems like one New Year's Resolution that we all aspire to is getting organized. Changes in technology can often make it hard to feel on top of everything, but here are 10 online tools or apps to actually...
Raise your hand if you’re tired. (Blink twice if you’re too tired to lift your hand). Moms, I get it. As if we didn’t already have enough on our plates, COVID came in like an unwelcome house guest, kicked up his...
Lately, I have been contemplating life more. I think that just comes with having a new baby. I look at my current life and wonder if what I do on a daily basis means anything. Am I living my...
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post for Family Friendly Homes. However, all opinions are 100% of my own. When our first son was born, I obsessed about everything safety related. Read the books and the blogs, became overwhelmed with friendly...
Today has been one of those days. Parents, you know what I'm talking about. My morning closely resembled a Benny Hill skit without the music. With Charlie being a little over one year old now, she is very active and...
Let me just start by saying that stay-at-home moms are superheroes too… they just wear different capes - likely ones covered in a bit more spit up and drool than us working moms who are lucky to get out...
“And that is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time.” - L. Bray. Let's talk about that for a second, one gesture, one person, one moment in time. It's not everyday that we get the...
What do you do when your plans get totally flipped? When life throws you a curveball and you find yourself perhaps homebound with a house full of little people you brought into this world? You make the best of it! Let...

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