I am a proud Oklahoman. I love walking around Downtown, popping into shops on Campus Corner in Norman, and adore the quaint little towns scattered throughout our great state. I'm proud of this place and I love supporting it...
My dad died three months before my wedding. I remember our last conversation so vividly, as if somehow I knew it was the end. I was with my fiance (now husband) visiting his family at the beach. A delicious meal...
I have been on both sides of teacher gifts. As both the giver and the receiver of teacher gifts, I have made some observations on what is best! And I, like all of the teachers I have spoken with on this...
If you turn on your television at any point during the day, it is easy to see that our world is very focused on materialism and less on being content and thankful. My kids can hardly watch 30 minutes...
Christmas. We love this season at our house, and growing up, it was a magical time for us with our families. After you have kids, as you know, everything changes. Suddenly you're trying to find the balance between family...
Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying: "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." I think that kite-flying guy and I would've gotten along well because I am a major planner. If I don't have my ducks...
It's the most wonderful time of the year,  There'll be much mistletoeing And hearts will be glowing When loved ones are near; It's the most wonderful time of the year... We have all heard this song a thousand times. For many, this really is...
As a mom of four under 10 years and another baby boy on the way (due December 25th of all days!!), I understand what stress the holidays can bring without the proper perspective. Many of us are low on...
Christmas is the “Most Wonderful Time of The Year”, right? What if it isn’t really so wonderful in your family? What if your heart is aching for someone to celebrate with, yet your family is all alone this year? It might be...
I am 200% a holiday mom. I love the celebration and surprises and fun of holidays! Some of them are incredibly meaningful to us as a family because of our religious beliefs, and some of them are just super...
I'm currently pregnant with Baby #3 and slightly panicking about having a "right-smack-dab-in-the-middle-of-holiday-craziness" baby. But it's fine. It's fine. Everything's fine. I'm fine. Its nothing a little planning and lowering of expectations can't help! When you know you're having...
Turkey, cranberry, stuffing, and more... I'm stuffed just thinking about it. Thanksgiving is the holiday where it's not only socially acceptable, but encouraged to bring your maternity pants down from the attic and take full advantage of that glorious,...

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