Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall.  If you had to pick one, which season is your favorite?  Mine is definitely fall.   Yours?  Oh, come on.  I feel like I can't be alone in the Fall Fan Club.  Whether you chose Fall as your favorite season...
Last summer my husband, kids and I spent two incredible weeks in Hawaii. This trip was a lifetime in the making - literally! After five failed attempts, due to unexpected military delays, the stars finally aligned for us to...
Holidays can be challenging for a food allergy family like ours, as many of our societal holidays and gatherings are structured around food! I'm sure if you think back to your childhood and choose a special day celebrated in your...
Spring makes me all kinds of happy. It's a season that I actually enjoy being outside because it's not blistering cold or burning hot. The weather for an Oklahoma spring may be a bit all over the place, but...
Mom life is a busy life. Can I get a witness? I mean, between changing diapers and scheduling doctor's appointments and remembering to send your kid to school with pants on… there's not much time for anything else. Especially dinner. As a...
Picking your own fruit can be a fun activity for all ages during the hot months of an Oklahoma summer! Pack up some water and lunches and support some Oklahoma businesses while picking your own homegrown fruit!  Agape House Berry...
Brunch can be defined as an "in-betweener" for breakfast or lunch. I am so pumped about being able to share this topic with you! I could talk about my love for brunch for hours - this is no joke. My love...
Do you like to travel? Do you like to try new foods from various cultures? Sometimes when the kids come along it isn't always in the budget to vacation to those destinations, but with this dining guide to various...
I have a confession to make: I wish I had been a party-planner. Every single thing about it thrills me! The planning of themes and menus, the invitations, the decorating, and most of all the coming together of friends... It's...
So you've done it. You've made the bold and terrifying choice to start a Whole30 journey, and maybe you're freaking out a little. Been there. Done that.  Whole30 is an awesome eating plan. It helps your body reset, lessens your...
 There are certain days where you just NEED that cup of coffee to get through the morning.  Or there are days where a cup of coffee is the perfect addition to making a good morning GREAT!  So we wanted...
There are lots of perks to be being a mommy today. We have drive-thru restaurants, Dr. Google on our phones, and so many social media outlets we are never truly alone. However, there are downfalls as well. My kids...

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