When your child is placed in your arms for the first time, everything changes. Life isn’t just about you anymore. Life becomes this precious child that you would move Heaven and Earth for. You’d do anything to ensure that...
If you are anything like me, you are fresh out of ideas for healthy meals to feed your family. We've been deep in our meal planning rut for what feels like an eternity. My kids love a good "Breakfast for Dinner"...
At Oklahoma City Moms Blog we feel there are incredible not-for-profit organizations and resources right here in our community. They support different needs of OKC families, mothers, and children and we'd like to help spread the word about them.  Lauren gives us...
This is part four of a four part series.  Check back each Friday in March to hear more of Crislyn’s personal story with learning about and handling her son’s severe allergies. Part 4: Helpful Hints Before food allergies were introduced into...
So, I'm not crafty, although I really really want to be. BUT - I can follow directions. I have several things that I love to make instead of buy. Vanilla extract is one of those things. Now, I could...
There are few that would say they do not want to be healthy; however, it seems like we rarely look at the fundamental idea that health depends upon our food. On a daily basis we all eat food. Unfortunately, many...
I always want Christmas morning to be magical and, well, delicious. I like to serve my family (and myself!) something we don't always have for breakfast. Something special. I also don't want to spend the whole morning in the...
Turkey, cranberry, stuffing, and more... I'm stuffed just thinking about it. Thanksgiving is the holiday where it's not only socially acceptable, but encouraged to bring your maternity pants down from the attic and take full advantage of that glorious,...
The first snow falls and my mouth waters because I know that Christmas treats are just around the corner. I love to be able to provide my family & friends with sweet treats for Christmas presents and so far I...
What's Thanksgiving like for your family? Break down all the different ways you can celebrate Thanksgiving with this Thanksgiving Day Style Quiz!  1. When you think about your tableware for Thanksgiving, you imagine that the plates, cutlery, and napkins will...
It's only early December and you've probably already had your fill of leftovers. Not accustomed to cooking for only our little family, I think we just finished our Thanksgiving leftovers about five seconds ago. My kids bailed on eating...
Oklahoma City is FILLED with delicious snow cone stands, many of which you can find on every corner. We want to know though, which one is the best to our readers??  We asked you to nominate on Monday to let...

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