Dear A + S, There are moments in life that capture you and never let you go. For me that moment was almost 3 years ago when you changed my life forever. I sat in the ultrasound room waiting to see my...
I don’t think I will ever forget the comment made to me on the Mother’s Day before my son was born.  I was 8 months pregnant, miserable, and fully cankled.  There was a discussion taking place about what each...
You may remember Part I of this post from January. Back then I was in the last weeks of my second pregnancy and was reflecting on the differences from my first. Well that pregnancy is now an almost 2...
Before I found out I’m going to be a first-time mom, I knew little about the journey ahead. Though I still have lots to learn, here are some of my biggest pregnancy revelations. 1. There are a lot of rules,...
We had our first baby last summer and when they told us we could go home, I thought to myself, "Are you sure? You're just going to let us go on our merry way without taking a test or...
It hasn’t been long since I found out you’re going to be in this world, but it feels like I already know you. It feels like I've known you my whole life. When I think about you, I can't help...
Bringing a baby earth side isn't always sunshine and rainbows, sometimes it's gray skies and rain. Leaving your baby in the NICU is hard enough while you're in the hospital but it's absolutely heart wrenching when you leave them to...
When I was pregnant with my first born I would sit up at night and worry about a lot of things. Something I worried about a lot was sleep. I LOVE my sleep and I was so nervous about...
Choosing a doctor is more difficult than I once thought.  Why?  Because not every doctor thinks alike.  For that matter, not every mother thinks alike.  In the end, we all care about our health and children but everybody's views...
Let's be honest, work isn't exactly the first thing that goes through your mind when you find yourself staring at a positive pregnancy test. But maybe it's the fifteenth? Or the eighty-third? It doesn't matter when it crosses your mind, it just matters that...
About a year ago, I wrote What I Love About This Age and today I'm bringing you the second edition. It seems like every stage my kids go through is my favorite. From conversations to cuddles, they are simply the best. I'll start...
Daughter-In-Love, I think about you often.  Ever since my sweet little man came into my life, I can't take my mind off of you. What are you going to be like?  Are you going to be shy?  Will you be...

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