I recently discovered I had a lot to learn about pregnancy. From bouts of depression and anxiety to giving up foods I used to love and craving ones I previously avoided, there was a learning curve even bigger than...
Yes, you read that correctly! I do not buy gifts for babies. I am a firm believer in not buying gifts for a child that I don't even know, and probably won't know, or for a child who probably won't be...
It's summer time!  What does that mean? Sunglasses, flip-flops, sunscreen and POOL TIME! Wait a second...pool time with a child is not much fun because my child does not know how to swim. It's restricting. It's stressful. Not to worry...
The word “adoption” first entered my head when I was a junior in high school. I was on a mission trip in Washington D.C. doing a VBS in a neighborhood full of crime and underprivileged children. I left a piece of...
This month, my baby girl turns one. ONE. How has one whole year flown by? In some ways, it feels like an eternity, but in more ways, it has absolutely flown by and here I sit, contemplating every little...
People talk about postpartum depression, and spouses and family members are taught to keep a watchful eye over the new mom following childbirth. But, what about during pregnancy? A certain amount of worry during pregnancy is normal, but there comes a...
This story can actually start many different ways. I first met your father in college. We ran in circles that ran together sometimes. Your father and I can look back at photos and see each other in the background of...
Finding out about our second pregnancy was just as exciting as finding out about our first.  With our first baby, we didn't tell our family until 8 weeks, and friends didn't follow until weeks later.  This time around, my...
We are gearing up for another fantastic summer in Oklahoma.  Swimming pools, BBQs, snow cones and water balloon fights are all on our family checklist.  And while I'm ready to dive into all of the fun that we will have,...
Father’s Day is a time to honor, admire, and praise the men in our lives who have served as fathers – whether by birth or choice. While it’s easy to wear a nametag that reads “Dad,” it’s not always...
"I didn't think I'd ever be in this room." These were the first words I uttered while looking at my therapist through eyes blurred by tears. "Most people don't. You are not alone." These were the words I needed to hear.  The...
I, along with the rest of the world, watched as the beautiful and poised Kate Middleton left the hospital with her gorgeous baby girl. If there ever was a princess, it is Kate Middleton. As I watched her step...

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