I am going to start this post by loudly saying, I am not an expert in homeschooling, teaching, parenting, or anything really, so when I talk about lessons and curriculum, it's just what I've found that works for us. Last year...
January 20th our nation will celebrate a very important man and historic day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  The past couple of years I have tried to use this time to build up a key part of my son's...
Despite the cold weather we have been experiencing, Spring is quickly approaching and approximately 2 months away. This means more time around pools, lakes, and even oceans for many families. In order to prepare you and your children to...
I've always loved organization. Although, I don't always have the cleanest house, my heart skips a beat when I get the chance to reorganize my pantry or when my medicine cabinet gets an overhaul. When I was growing up,...
As the winter months drag on, the walls in our house start closing in.  When the pent up energy has nowhere to go except bouncing off walls, it’s time to get creative.  Over the years I have come up...
Christmas is in December every year, but for some reason it tends to always sneak up on people.  Now that we are out of "holiday mode", many feel like their bank account is trying to play catch up or...
I like to live by the "Golden Rule" - treat others as you would want to be treated. When it comes to young girls these days this rule is a hard one. Girls can be just mean and it...
‘My baby boy is not going to be perfect?’….'there is something wrong with him?'….'I am totally powerless to help him!’….’why does it have to be my baby?’ These were a few of the many thoughts trailing  through my mind upon...
When I searched the word "resolution" on Merriam-Webster's website, this is what it said; resolution: the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem, etc. As a mom, I solve problems every day.  I find a lost shoe...
As moms we are busy. Really busy. Whether we are staying at home, working part-time, working full-time or running a Fortune 500 company, we are busy. The demands of life, of kids, of spouses, of our duties inevitably creeps...
The presents are unwrapped, the tree is put away.  Elf on the Shelf is back in the attic and there are no more Christmas parties to look forward to.  If you’re like me, I seem to struggle with the...
Our friends at Mash Up Conditioning have put together a Fitness Challenge just for OKC Moms Blog and we are thrilled! Each day via Facebook and Twitter, we will be posting a short (5 minute or less) activity for...

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