3 Things that Might Surprise You About Online Education

This post is sponsored by Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy and and Insight School of Oklahoma. We are always excited to share different education options with our readers!

When I tell people that I am the head of two virtual schools, I get a lot of questions and opinions about what they think it is we do at Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy (OVCA) and Insight School of Oklahoma (ISOK). 

“Do the parents do all the teaching?”  

“Don’t the students get lonely?”

“How does a teacher feel personally connected to her students, in a virtual classroom?”

At OVCA and ISOK, two online public schools serving students across the state, we offer families an opportunity to play an active role in their child’s education, in an environment that is personal, supportive, and focused on academic success. As the school year ends, many families may be looking for new education options; I want to share three things that might surprise you about online public schools.

Online Public School at Home – Not Homeschooling

Unlike a traditional homeschool approach, classes at OVCA and ISOK are led by state-licensed educators, who only teach subjects in which they are licensed. This means that you won’t find a math teacher leading a science class, or an elementary level teacher conducting a 12th grade seminar.

Our classes are rigorous, and the teachers also make sure that the lessons are interactive and engaging. Students attend live virtual Class Connect sessions, led by a teacher. Through these sessions, teachers find creative ways for students to interact with the content, and with each other. One class did an “ice cream in a bag” science experiment. The teacher got on her webcam and demonstrated to students how to conduct the experiment, so they could replicate it on their own. She was able to give them a memorable educational experience through a webcam instead of in person. It looks very different from a brick-and-mortar classroom, but the connection and excitement is the same. 

An Opportunity to Socialize

One of the biggest misconceptions about online school is that our students are isolated from their peers, and sit in front of a computer all day. In fact, there are a lot of offline opportunities for students to meet each other in-person. Every month, OVCA and ISOK host events for students and their families to get together to just have fun. 

This past December students from OVCA were invited to decorate a Christmas tree at the State Capitol Building, along with other K-12 students from across the state. Every year we host a prom for high school students, and we celebrate our graduating seniors with in-person commencement ceremonies each spring. 

There’s an Opportunity to Build a Close Relationship with the Teacher

A good teacher is someone who knows what motivates you, and takes the time to get to know you as an individual in her class. It’s important that relationships are built on trust and respect in any classroom, and this is certainly true at online school.

Attending public school online provides students with an opportunity to receive a personalized education, in the comfort of their own home (or wherever they can get online). Teachers at OVCA and ISOK have the ability to adjust lessons, whether it’s across the class or working one-on-one with a student, to make sure that everyone understands the material. Teachers might host office hours or arrange small study group chats with students, to ensure everyone is on track as they work towards their individual academic goals, and feel supported by their school community. 

All OVCA and ISOK families are also paired with a Community Family Advisor, a dedicated point person who gets to know their goals, and can help the family prepare for the school year, arrange advising appointments, schedule tutoring and parent-teacher conferences, and more. It’s far from the anonymous experience that comes with so many other things on the internet! 

Deconstructing Myths About Online School

While these are just some of the benefits of online public school, I’m sure there is more about our schools that would surprise you. If you’re considering a new education option for your family, I encourage you to explore this format and learn how online school can truly help students to succeed. 

Sheryl Tatum has been an educator for nearly two decades, serving students across all grade levels. With years of experience she’s seen first-hand the benefits that online school can bring to students. She currently serves as the Head of School for both Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy (OVCA) and Insight School of Oklahoma (ISOK). 

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Stacy grew up in Minnesota, but spent the next several years of her life traversing the globe, temporarily setting down roots anywhere and everywhere. Stacy is extremely passionate about the world of adoption and foster care, having spent a year in Uganda adopting her oldest daughter in 2008. Stacy married her husband Jesse in 2011, and they moved to Oklahoma City to grow their family. After a brief hiatus in Minnesota, Stacy and her beloved family of five returned to Oklahoma City in June of 2017. They are thrilled to be back "home" where sweet tea flows like water and they can fully embrace saying "Y'all". Stacy obtained a Master’s degree in child psychology in 2007, but currently uses it only on her own children! A stay-at-home mama since Baby #3 was born, Stacy has stayed busy keeping her children alive and relatively entertained. She loves her little crazy crew fiercely and is enjoying returning to all of their favorite local haunts. When she’s not chasing her kiddos, Stacy is likely traveling or daydreaming about traveling. She also enjoys coffee shops, copious amounts of “cop drama” shows, and perusing pinterest for ideas that have little chance of ever getting done. But they’re good to have. Just in case.


  1. So when the teacher is on the webcam giving lessons, is it a video that students replay or live? Are there a bunch of kids viewing/interacting, or only a few?

    • Hello! Lessons are taught live by certified teachers in an online classroom. They are recorded as well for review, or for absent students. Teachers hold whole class, small group, and one-on-one sessions with students. Depending on the student’s grade level, they may also have multiple teachers. For example, a kindergartener will have one teacher and a high school student will have subject-specific (English, Math, History, etc.) teachers.


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