Confession: I have a small love affair with school and office supplies.  So much so that my sister-in-law gave me a stapler and a tape dispenser for my birthday (this is not a joke). So when back to school rolls...
We all like things that make our lives easier, right? Here are some tips and tricks I have found that help me with the use of electronics. Let me preface this by saying this post is basically brought to you...
This is a sponsored post by OU Medical Center. Oklahoma City Moms Blog stands behind all content provided by our partners.  It’s mid-summer, children are getting restless and you just want to keep them active and entertained. For many moms, the...
  Yippee for tax free!  Oklahoma's tax free weekend is coming up to help you save some money on back to school duds for your kiddos! Clothes & shoes priced under $100 will be tax free!  So depending on where you live,...
This month, my baby girl turns one. ONE. How has one whole year flown by? In some ways, it feels like an eternity, but in more ways, it has absolutely flown by and here I sit, contemplating every little...
We have all been there, at an event, party, meeting, small group, etc. and introductions have to be made and you are asked to share 3 things about yourself (other than the basics of name, married, kids, location). You...
A couple of weeks ago, on a sunny afternoon, my kids were taking full advantage of the nice day by playing outside in the front yard with their friends.  My husband and I were chatting with the neighbors while...
The Fourth of July is one of the most festive holidays of the year. The day is synonymous with hot dogs, fireworks, parades, bbq's, popsicles, and celebrating outside soaking up the sun. I want to make sure you enjoy...
I remember the day I turned 16.  I got my driver's license, drove to school all by myself in the largest car ever made, and started my first job to pay for it all.  It was a really big day! In...
We are gearing up for another fantastic summer in Oklahoma.  Swimming pools, BBQs, snow cones and water balloon fights are all on our family checklist.  And while I'm ready to dive into all of the fun that we will have,...
They are with you wherever you go. You see them daily. Sometimes they annoy you and get in the way, but you are grateful for their purpose in your life. And yet you often don't treat them well. I'm...
As mothers, and women in general, we seem to be tasked with taking care of those around us. While few of us look at this as a chore, we can probably all agree a little help is always welcome....

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