Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post for Mabel's Labels in exchange for a Little Kid School Combo.  However, all opinions are 100% our own and we stand by Mabel's Labels in all that we endorse. I’d been dreading this day for...
This post has been on my heart to write for months upon months upon months. As I sit down to write it, again and again, I do so with tear-filled eyes and a broken heart. Five years ago, I was...
Under any other circumstances, teachers look forward to Spring Break just as much as their students. This time felt different. I knew there was a chance, a good possibility, that we would be extending that break. At first, it...
School's out for summer! I can't believe we made it to summer! I'm ready to lay by the pool and forget all my worries from this school year. My girl is ready for zero homework, late nights, and zero responsibilities! But...
My oldest daughter starts school this year. And I am kind of losing my stuff. As former homeschooled children, my husband and I have known since before we ever saw two pink lines that we would be educating our children...
  Pre-K is an exciting world of shapes, colors, new friends, and new experiences. However for the mom of a child entering Pre-K, there's no doubt that this time of year can be stressful. The thought of sending your little...
The Storm clouds begin to gather Uh oh, I thought, seeing my son's teacher pop up on my caller ID. We are three days into Pre-K, and I thought things were going well. He woke up at 5:45 on Monday morning...
Most people know the routine for children going back to school each year. As summer days draw to an end, you will find parents shopping for school supplies, picking out a new lunch box and backpack. They clean out...
This was her year.  The year to start pre-k, the year to start the rest of her learning life by going to school every day.  Thankfully, she was excited.  She couldn’t wait to go to “big school” like her...
Once upon a time, in a city far, far away... I hid from the PTA. Not figuratively, literally. I spotted them parked at the front doors of my oldest son’s elementary school after I was already in for parent-teacher conferences....
My son is a bright, sweet boy who happened to not do very well when he started Pre-K. It was a combination of factors that included a teacher/student misfit, a diagnosis we had yet to receive, and just not being...
  It's getting closer and closer to the start of school, and to be honest, I'm a little sad about it.  But if I'm being REALLY honest, I'm probably not sad for the reasons you're thinking.  I'm sad because I'm excited about...

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