Some of my favorite childhood memories are from going to high school football games.  I loved everything from the popcorn to seeing my friends...and maybe even watching a little bit of the game! I hope you'll get out with your...
"Back-to-School" season is one of my most favorite times of the year.  Stores are lined with rows upon rows of school supplies---new notebooks, fresh pencils, perfect crayons!  Ah, my teacher-heart could burst!  And while going back to school might...
Community. What pictures come to mind when you read that word? Neighborhood block parties? Sunday afternoon luncheons? Perhaps you’re thinking about your Mom-group. Allow me to brag on the community I’ve had the honor of calling my own. This community has been...
This is going to ruffle some feathers, especially for those of us raised to believe that a traditional 4-year (maybe more) college degree is the only way to grow up and be successful. BUT-College isn't for everyone!  I'm not saying college...
Sometimes when I am playing with my babies, I just zone off and day-dream about the way things were back in my mom's parenting days. Things just seem like they were so much simpler, with way fewer options. In...
I thought I was ready.  Ever since my babies were born, we were together. Being a stay at home mom meant our days were filled with our own schedule - a fun morning out, naps, mealtimes, even the crazy witching...
  When it was time for us to start thinking about Pre-K for our oldest son, we were overwhelmed with options and opinions. We had just had twins, and he needed some structure to his day that we couldn’t give...
This post is sponsored by Early Foundations, in conjunction with the Oklahoma Autism Center. All opinions are my own. You might not know how we got here (I know I don't), but we are officially halfway through the 2022-2023 school...
I am going to start this post by loudly saying, I am not an expert in homeschooling, teaching, parenting, or anything really, so when I talk about lessons and curriculum, it’s just what I’ve found that works for us. Last year...
The OKC Metro has a variety of preschool, early education, and Moms' Day Out options, but it can be a bit overwhelming to know where to start the research process when trying to decide on the best option for...
My kids have always been different from other children. As toddlers, this presented itself in longer, more intense meltdowns than their peers. My son has an intense need to control everything around him, from whether or not I wear...
Snow days are a rite of passage in childhood. Or, in Oklahoma, ice days. Either way you spin it, snow days are a huge part of growing up. We know that our kids are growing up in a digital...

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