This post has been on my heart to write for months upon months upon months. As I sit down to write it, again and again, I do so with tear-filled eyes and a broken heart. Five years ago, I was...
The last day of daycare, oh how I anticipated this day! As one friend said, they should drop confetti on your head when you make that last payment. Another said it's like getting a raise - and it is!...
Typically when you see a back to school post, you're expecting to see the best deals on crayons, printable lunchbox notes with funny jokes or memes with moms lounging in the pool sipping on a Truly while her kids...
School's out for summer! I can't believe we made it to summer! I'm ready to lay by the pool and forget all my worries from this school year. My girl is ready for zero homework, late nights, and zero responsibilities! But...
It is that time of year again - report card time! And I will tell you that we are praying that our oldest gets a "B" in Geometry. Yep, that's right. A "B" would be awesome.  I know people who...
As a teacher, I often get questions from friends about what they can be doing to prepare their child for school. My usual answer is: nothing! Let them play! Children learn through play and rich experiences. But I’ve come to...
  Confession: I have a small love affair with school and office supplies.  So much so that my sister-in-law gave me a stapler and a tape dispenser for my birthday (this is not a joke). So when back to school rolls...
Cheers to you, Mama, for making it another full school year. When May comes around, it's a mad scramble to the finish line. Bedtimes get later, mornings seem to come earlier, and yet we still have the deadline of...
I am going to start this post by loudly saying, I am not an expert in homeschooling, teaching, parenting, or anything really, so when I talk about lessons and curriculum, it’s just what I’ve found that works for us. Last year...
If you're reading this blog post, there's a good chance you're a parent. Since you're reading this in the year 2020, there's a very good chance that you're a very TIRED parent. Tired of wondering if you're making the right...
This is a sponsored post written by Suzanne Wandling, Outreach Coordinator, Oklahoma Virtual Preparatory Academy “Kindergarten Readiness” – two words that cause a mom’s heart to skip a beat. Feelings of excitement and doubt come with big life transitions, and...
Under any other circumstances, teachers look forward to Spring Break just as much as their students. This time felt different. I knew there was a chance, a good possibility, that we would be extending that break. At first, it...

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