October 15, 2015, was the first time that I heard of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. I had never had a miscarriage or lost a baby. Scrolling through my Facebook Newsfeed, I noticed that a few of my...
Just when I thought I was done with the unfortunate symptoms of pregnancy, it happened--I got cankles! As if morning sickness, sleeplessness, back pain, mood swings, and acne (and no, I'm not talking about just a few unsightly pimples on my...
Before I had my daughter, I barely paid any attention to the many photos of kids in my Facebook and Instagram news feeds. Sometimes those photos even got old, tedious to scroll past when I had other things I...
A few weeks ago, I walked into a bakery with my three kids--all boys-- ages 6, 4, and 2. My sons and I love trips to the bakery. There is no shortage of cookies in our lives when we...
When I was little, if I heard an unfamiliar noise in the house during the night, it was nearly impossible for me to fall back asleep. My mind would run wild, imagining the most ridiculous of scenarios and inducing...
I’m a working mom of three. I have worked in a corporate office setting during all three of my pregnancies so I know a thing or two being pregnant while trying to be professional at the same time. Pregnancy...
Breastfeeding may be the most natural thing in the world, but it is definitely not the easiest for many moms! I remember when I brought my first home from the hospital, determined and confident in my ability to feed...
Aside from some seriously swollen cankles and some minor mood swings, I had a relatively lackluster (read: glowless) pregnancy. That is, until 35 weeks when I developed severe preeclampsia and had to deliver my baby immediately. Throughout my entire pregnancy...
When I was young, I assumed I would have kids someday, but I was never one of those girls who had names picked out before they were even participating in the activities that lead to creating babies. I guess...
As the birth of our second son kind of completely sneaks up on me, I'm realizing how blessed my little family truly is. I've fought pretty hard against having any baby showers, mostly because our kiddos will be about...
I'm a very Type A personality. If you know me, you know that I function best with schedules and organization in almost every aspect of my life. Of course, having children has helped ease that ridiculousness by like a...
I have debated writing this post for quite some time...I was fearful of judgment, scared to hurt feelings, and mostly hopeful I was wrong; but alas, I'm here to say: I never got the "pregnancy glow." I grew up listening to...

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