On Saturday, April 30, we hosted a sold-out crowd of women at  Westminster Presbyterian Church for our first ever Bloom event! These ladies were ready to enjoy a morning full of mingling with local Oklahoma City businesses, ask questions to our panel...
{{Brea Delane Seale}} Even as I write this, the roller coaster of emotions comes flooding back to me.... Fear. Excitement. Peace. Frustration. Heartbreaking Sadness. Completion. It was supposed to be an easy birth.  This was my sixth labor.  And all five of the previous labors were routine.  After...
I downloaded a contraction timer on my phone. I read every pregnancy and childbirth book out there. I packed my hospital bag. I unpacked my hospital bag. I packed it up again. I had a list of who to...
  I have 3 people I get to claim I gave birth to.  It was 13, 11, and 9 years ago.  And I'm going to make a confession. I don't really remember much of any of their births. I sometimes feel weird...
When it comes to having babies, here are my numbers: I've had... 3 babies 2 pregnancies 2 C-sections 1 physical scar Lots of emotional scars Zero wheelchair rides out to my car while holding my carefully snuggled-in babe in the carseat. When it comes to thinking about...
I began thinking about the birth of my second baby almost immediately after the birth of my first.  Her birthday empowered me.  It made me a mother, and gave life to a love in my heart like no other....
I came across this article the other day and laughed because it really hit home with me--it was a relief to know I wasn't the only one who did crazy things after becoming pregnant. I thought I would share with...
I think most moms are aware that after giving birth, one's body changes. Some things are squishier, some are saggier, some are stretch-markier, and weight is just redistributed in different places. We discuss these things at play dates and...
We are thrilled to be hosting our very first event specifically for new and expecting moms! We are excited to be partnering with City Moms Blog Network and 40 of our other sister sites to bring local communities this...
I just had my second baby.  He's generally laid back, happy, and in my completely unbiased opinion, is one of the top two cutest kids in existence. As soon as I found out I was pregnant with him, I knew I...
I won't lie, before getting pregnant I was an offender of bad conversation etiquette with pregnant women. It's easy to fall into the trap, after all, you don't want to act uninterested, but there is also a fine line...
There comes a point in each woman's pregnancy when you tire of unsolicited opinions, and everrryyy mama-to-be has SOMETHING specific that really just "grinds their gears". For me, the primary annoyance with both pregnancies was everyone's preference for gender....

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