On a day to day basis I change several diapers, comb and style hair, drive to school, make meals, wipe noses, breastfeed, read Thomas the Train 400 times, sing songs, comfort cries, discipline and redirect, play ponies and do...
On the first Saturday in December, we had around 300 people join us at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum for Donuts with Santa for a warm morning in! We were thrilled to see so many that morning,...
As I was growing up, my grandma always kept her backyard full of chickens.  When she lived in town, she kept 5 or 6 chickens and a handful of ducks waddling around her property.  She would wake up each morning...
Are you OKCMB's next MOMbassador? Do you love seeking out things to do in OKC? Do you love making new friends and bringing people together? Would you enjoy planning playdates and moms’ night outs? We would love to hear from you about leading one of OKC Moms Blog’s Neighborhood Groups! Whether...
I've got a little unknown fact for you: December 21st is the shortest day of the year.  Why am I telling you this?  Because it is also National Short Girl Appreciation Day.   So for all of us that are 5’5” and shorter,...
My husband had asked me three times already. "What's WRONG??" We were driving to church and I was visibly upset about a situation that had come up rather quickly just prior to our leaving the house. I was trying to keep...
Dear NICU Mom,  Please know that you are not alone. When you leave the NICU without your baby for the first time, overwhelmed and heartbroken, you aren’t alone. I know how it feels to send updates to friends and family, fighting for words...
  You know those people that start counting down the number of weeks until Christmas in July and don't mind holiday decorations making appearances in stores before Halloween? Yeah, that's not me. In fact, I'm kind of a bah humbug mom. I took...
It's the most wonderful time of the year! The holiday season is filled with family, peppermint, lights, and magic, but it's not without its controversies! "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"? Dare I mention....the Starbucks cup? Perhaps the most polarizing of...
Christmas is hard, you guys. I absolutely love the holiday season, but navigating the month of December as a stay-at-home mom whose budget is already stretched just a bit too thin... Let's just say I'm stress-eating a lot of tree-shaped butter...
  To the moms who share their birthday with the holidays, this is for you. Why? Well because I know growing up pre-social media it was even harder than it is now to have the birthday you wanted as a...
As much as I find genuine joy in spending time with my daughter, I admit I look forward to “my time” when she falls asleep. It’s quiet; it’s peaceful; it’s space to think, unwind, and (most importantly) eat ice cream without...

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