Hey, babe. It's February. The month of love. And I see that look in your eyes as you come home from another long day at work. You drop your bags and shrug off your coat, then move immediately toward the shelter...
Oh how I hate cold and flu season! No matter how hard I try to stay healthy I still seem to catch everything my little ones bring home. While most of the time I can take something over the...
We were so young, yet we felt like we were ready to conquer the world.  To many of our friends, we got married way before the average marriage age, when we were 23 and 25 - fresh out of...
I won't lie, before I became a Stay at Home Mom, I thought it would be SO easy: I could play with my kids all day (never missing a major milestone), binge watch TV, go wherever I wanted whenever...
Over 100 million people live with an invisible illness.  That is staggering.  So Mama, if you live with one, you're not alone.  It may not be obvious to others that you have a condition that greatly affects your health, because you...
    12 a.m.  Crying baby. Stumbling to kitchen for a bottle.  Trying to remember how to change a diaper. Staring blankly at the wall.      3:17 a.m. Repeat.     3:38 a.m. Repeat, ad nauseam... Becoming a mom is exhausting. Multiply that exhaustion by the number...
  Three years ago, I was on my knees on my son's nursery floor surrounded by piles of clothes, sobbing. Granted, I was just a teensy bit hormonal; I had given birth to my third boy one month earlier, was...
Motherhood is a slow release of control, friends.  I remember standing over my oldest son in his crib, just days old, and trying to think of a way to squeeze him back into my belly.  Having him here, on the outside,...
This post is part of our True Life series where OKC moms are sharing real trials & tribulations they have gone through as mothers, as wives, and as women.  The Rape. The summer right after I turned 15, I attended church camp where...
As a stay at home mom, my days are filled with repetition of a routine surrounded by complete and utter chaos. Of course we have the essential everyday things that are what I call the repetitive routine like wake...
The temperatures have officially dropped below freezing.  I've pulled out the hats.  I've matched up all of the gloves, and my kids have retired their warm weather wardrobes. But despite the cold temperatures, if you see me running into a store you probably won't see my toddler wearing...
  Confession: I'm terrified of little boys. When my husband and I discovered that we were expecting our first baby five years ago, I instantly dreamed of tutus, twirls, and tea parties. He dreamed of football, frogs, and farting contests. Little did...

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