Oh, who knew being a mom would mean wearing so many hats and getting our creative groove on - constantly!  I now realize that all my high school and college classes, sports training and basically anything I did before...
The holidays are hard on my waistline.  As much as I swear I won't eat my weight in sugary carb loaded goodness, I do. Every year. Last year, as the calendar flipped to 2014, I pledged to lose weight and...
Oh, Parenthood.  It's the most wonderful phase of life, right?  Parenting a toddler has been nothing short of exciting.  As we reflected on our last year, and dreamt about hopes of 2015 for our family, I couldn't help but...
We are thrilled to be adding to our team!  With a new year, comes new contributors and we wanted to take a few minutes to introduce them to you. Lauren Farris I’m a local Okie, wife, and mom of two. I...
I was giving my baby boy a bath when I heard from the living room, my 3-year old daughter yell, "It's fat!!" I grabbed a towel, got the baby out of the bathtub and ran into the living room,...
It’s no news that your wardrobe says a lot about you. It's that time of year again where you are running around more than normal. You have a variety of places to be, people to see, errands to run,...
With cooler weather moving in, I thought it was time to share two of my very favorite recipes with you.  The best part is you can make BOTH recipes in less than 10 minutes total AND for less than...
One of the most dreaded tasks {well, one of many} of parenting is transitioning our toddlers between diapers and big kid undies.  Just the thought of cleaning up pee or poop time after time is never on the top...
During my last pregnancy I set lofty goals for myself postpartum. I was going to breastfeed until my daughter was one-year-old, without the need of supplementing. My first two breastfeeding experiences were less than successful in my own eyes. Daughter...
**Each Friday, starting Nov 7 and for the next 7 weeks, we will be posting a new blog post about breastfeeding and several different journeys our team has experienced.** Breastfeeding is the strangest, most wonderful thing I have ever been blessed...
During November, I spend a lot of time thinking about the good things in my life, the things I overlook on a day-to-day basis but that are always there making life better nonetheless. I am grateful for my children...
**Each Friday for the next 7 weeks, we will be posting a new blog post about breastfeeding and several different journeys our team has experienced.** I feel like I should start this post with a warning. The stories you are...

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