As moms and as women, we all have daily reasons to cry.  Our kids tell us a sweet story or give us an extra long hug with a whispered, "I love you, Mama."  Melt my heart and pass me a...
Babies are wonderful. They are cuddly, smell amazing, make sweet cooing noises, and have smiles that can melt your heart. They are innocent, adorable, and angelic. But on occasion, those angels can be difficult. I’m not talking about a cry...
Disclaimer:  This is post was written in exchange for participation in FIT4MOM's Body Back Program. However, all opinions are 100% our own and we stand by FIT4MOM and Body Back in all that we endorse. When my friend Allison approached me about...
This post is part of our True Life series where OKC moms are sharing real trials & tribulations they have gone through as mothers, as wives, and as women.  I’ve spent two months trying to write this post.  The words...
  6:00 a.m. I lie awake thinking, "Today is the day, it's finally here." I'm terrified! I've been hiding. I've been hibernating. But today is it. Today is the day that I leave the house. With both kids. At the SAME time! 6:15 a.m. I hit...
Recently, my toddler has started pointing at lamp posts and shouting "LIGHT, mama, LIGHT!" with immense joy from the backseat of the car. Needless to say, we are in for a serious MIND BLOWN moment when we take her to...
Dear Santa Claus, I know -  I haven't written you in nearly two decades but seriously, can you help a mama out? After all, I've changed approximately 3,000 diapers this year, potty trained 2 kids, gave up the last piece of...
It's been two weeks since our little boy was born, and my daughter was officially given the title of Big Sister.  Since finding out we were expecting baby number 2, one of my greatest sources of anxiety was how...
I love the Christmas season.  I love the cold weather, shiny paper, presents, and watching Christmas movies.  I can't get enough of the family time and the pure joy that the Christmas season brings. However, there is one Christmas trend...
  Early in our dating relationship, my husband and I discussed adoption as something God had placed on our hearts. We were 17. It felt forever away. When we were married at nearly 23, we continued to talk about adoption…in...
This is the time of year that I get downright giddy to flip through the channels - it's Christmas Movie Season! I have never met a Christmas Movie I haven't loved.  Maybe it's because I love every single thing about...
We’ve all heard it, and you parents have experienced it. A baby changes your life. My little ray of sunshine rocked my world. Not in a bad way… just completely rocked everything I thought I was prepared for.  There’s something...

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