It's so cliche'.  But friends, it's true.  You marry your opposite.  And it's not easy.  In my case, Always Prompt (that's me) married Chronically Late. I remember as a little girl, sitting on the couch dressed and ready, waiting to...
The Beginning My husband and I fell in love in college. He pursued me for months before I finally agreed to go on a date with him. He was worried that my hesitation was due to his involvement in ROTC...
Navigating the waters of divorce is quite the adventure to say the least. Dealing with the ups and downs, healing a broken heart, and all at the same time creating a new life. I would be lying if I...
Being a mama is hard! We all know that the day in, and day out care of our little people is difficult. They are loud, messy, often uncooperative, and whiney. But then, so am I in my own adult way. I change...
Hey Honey, As we sail in to this next year of marriage, I feel the need to express a few things. Things we talk about, but being the occasionally often crazy, hormonal woman that I am - things that I don't always...
If you would have asked 17-year-old me what my life would be like at 30 years old, I would have most likely given you an answer that was nowhere near what my life is currently like. Primarily - I would...
In celebration of Father's Day this year we thought we'd bring you some very special guest contributors - our husbands!  We hope you enjoy this unique view into #dadlife from the men in our lives.  The history of humanity’s ability...
This post is part of our True Life series where OKC moms are sharing real trials & tribulations they have gone through as mothers, as wives, and as women.  It's been said that emotional abuse is like a frog in...
Pretty much everything comes as an instant product these days. Instant jell-o, instant coffee, instant noodles, instant pain relief, instant messaging, instant video streaming, and instant pot...just to name a few. Let's not forget those "just add water" instant grow toys. You know the...
In the recent 2016 movie, Bad Moms, Amy Mitchell reflects on her troubled marriage, recalling that she and her husband had married so young, that they never really got to have the usually carefree period people typically enjoy in...
After years of not making date night a priority, I have learned that making one-on-one time with my spouse a semi-regular thing, makes me a better parent. On top of finding the time to schedule it, narrowing down where...
There is nothing quite like watching people's eyes light up after they've asked me what my kids are doing for the summer, and I say that they're going to spend a few weeks in Ardmore with my parents. "What...

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