The shift to fully online education and A/B in-person scheduling has left many of us scrambling to find childcare options that can both keep our children safe and support their education. Several new options appear every day, including in-home...
On a scale of 1 to Sports Illustrated, how swimsuit ready are you? *anxiety enters the chat* Well if you’d rather eat glass than try on a bathing suit, this is the article for you. Especially since retailers like Target think now...
There are few that would say they do not want to be healthy; however, it seems like we rarely look at the fundamental idea that health depends upon our food. On a daily basis we all eat food. Unfortunately, many...
My oldest daughter has always been a bit of a daredevil, and sadly quite clumsy. While I am a fearful parent, I have never been a hovering parent. I let her explore the world around her as a toddler,...
Let's play a game! I want you to pick urgent care or emergency department (ED) for each of the following scenarios.  Sally has just fallen off the monkey bars at school and hurt her wrist. There isn't any blood; her...
I recently wrote an article called Riding the Weight Wave acknowledging that weight fluctuations are normal - and giving everyone a likely too detailed timeline of my sizes and weights over the last decade. I got a few comments asking...
I started my period back 5 and 10 weeks after the births of my two sons, respectively. Adding a monthly cycle to breastfeeding, and my already hormone-overloaded body quickly made me realize that I couldn’t do all the things all...
Every year after the OKC Memorial Marathon I see photos of friends donning their medals, posting adorable photos of their kids and families cheering them on with signs at the finish line and beaming with pride and sweat and...
Nope, the gift wasn't a vacation, a fancy purse, flowers, or jewelry. It wasn't even therapy. It was a surgery. A surgery I had to fight tooth and nail for - with six different doctors to be exact! For my entire...
"You have great birthing hips!" "Excuse me?  What am I, a cow? Nevermind.  What would you like to order?" No, this was not an exchange of words between my doctor and I, but between me, as a 17-year-old waitress, and one...
Looking through old pictures the other day, I saw myself. As usual, I was trying to hide behind a friend. My arms were crossed in front of my belly as I tried to cover that eyesore of a muffin top...
  I sensed her before I saw her. The gas nozzle chugged noisily beside me as I squinted in the sunlight, trying to make out the figure approaching me. “This is so embarrassing,” she laughed, and I knew instantly I was...

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