In some personal news, I recently went to Target on a crusade to find an outfit for work. I did not realize I would encounter the actual First Crusade, but here we are. A bit crestfallen after seeing all the neon...
St. Patrick's Day is quickly approaching and you have outfits picked out for your children, but what are you wearing to bring in the holiday? Fun fact: The color that was first associated with this day was a shade...
Swimsuit shopping was the worst.  I didn't like it as a kid. Because I shopped in the "Pretty Plus" sections at Sears. That's the nice way of saying "your daughter is a little chubby." Gone were my dreams of having a...
Since becoming a mom, my time is divided amongst a variety of priorities, as is my budget. Accordingly, I have streamlined my toiletry and cosmetic purchases. Gone are the days of making a special trip here to get a...
Sometimes I think life would be so much easier as a boy... you could shave your head and no one would think twice about it; you wouldn't have to shave any other area of your body; regardless of the...
Long gone are the days of "mom jeans" and those ridiculously patterned sweaters that we see as flashbacks from the early 80's. And thank goodness for that! Today, mom fashion has improved greatly and we would love to share...
As a Style Coach, the #1 comment I hear from moms is, "I wear yoga pants everyday and don't have time to look cute" or "Yoga pants are so easy and comfortable and I just don't have time to...
Dear Daughter, Before society tries to tell the meaning of my marks, I want to tell you the story of these lines. These marks tell the story of us, each line you drew by your own being. My marks tell a...
  On Monday, we asked what the favorite salon/spa was in the metro.  Here we have three excellent choices for you to pick your favorite!  Which one should win?? VOTE NOW!! We'll announce the winner this coming Monday - as...
This is part two of a two part series. Cheap, Cheap, Cheap! I don't mean to sound like a baby chick, but I love that word “cheap”.  It means I met my goal of buying something at a ridiculously good deal! Not...
For Christmas, my son got a color by number book. You know the ones - you’d meticulously paint all the 1s red, all the 2s blue, all the 3s yellow, and so on. During my quiet time today I...
I am a proud Oklahoman. I love walking around Downtown, popping into shops on Campus Corner in Norman, and adore the quaint little towns scattered throughout our great state. I'm proud of this place and I love supporting it...

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