Eight years ago this December, I graduated college with the intentions of teaching high school English. Life happened, and well, teaching DIDN'T happen. I took a corporate job (or three), moved multiple times, got married and started a family....
In celebration of Father's Day this year we thought we'd bring you some very special guest contributors - our husbands!  We hope you enjoy this unique view into #dadlife from the men in our lives.  Growing up, my parents instilled...
When I was pregnant with my daughter, I signed my husband and me up for all the classes that our hospital offered. Birth, breastfeeding, newborn care...you name it, we were there. The only one we missed was the night they...
As my boys get older, my heart smiles when I hear them talk about the reason for the season and the depth that comes with it. I also see the magic and wonder trying to fade away. When they...
Calling all bug lovers! If your kids love to pick up all the crawling bugs, or even just look at them, they might love this activity and YOU might love that it keeps them occupied for so long.  What is...
I’m nearing the end of my third (and last) pregnancy. I’m sure there will be a mourning period when the realization hits that I won’t have another baby after this. However, right now in my third trimester of my...
The Great Cloth Diaper Change is an attempt to set the world record for most babies changed in a cloth diaper at the same time world wide. Okay, so maybe that doesn't sound like it is very exciting to...
    12 a.m.  Crying baby. Stumbling to kitchen for a bottle.  Trying to remember how to change a diaper. Staring blankly at the wall.      3:17 a.m. Repeat.     3:38 a.m. Repeat, ad nauseam... Becoming a mom is exhausting. Multiply that exhaustion by the number...
The Storm clouds begin to gather Uh oh, I thought, seeing my son's teacher pop up on my caller ID. We are three days into Pre-K, and I thought things were going well. He woke up at 5:45 on Monday morning...
I began thinking about the birth of my second baby almost immediately after the birth of my first.  Her birthday empowered me.  It made me a mother, and gave life to a love in my heart like no other....
I was a competitive gymnast for 13 years, a coach of all ages for 6 years, and a high school gymnastics judge for 3 years. If you have a question about cartwheels or pointed toes, I’m your girl. (Just be...
Hey Mama, It is late - LATE - and here you are, awake.  These wee hours are the lonely ones of motherhood.  It feels like no one notices.  It feels like you're alone.  The loneliness, the quiet, you can feel it....

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