Six years ago, when my husband and I welcomed our first son into the world, we thought we were welcoming a perfectly healthy little boy into our lives. A NICU doctor handed him to me and said those exact...
Each of us sets boundaries in our lives. Some grow subconsciously over time, others with much more thought. We set boundaries for ourselves, and we set boundaries for those with whom we interact. They’re important and sometimes downright imperative. When...
I won't lie, before I became a Stay at Home Mom, I thought it would be SO easy: I could play with my kids all day (never missing a major milestone), binge watch TV, go wherever I wanted whenever...
    12 a.m.  Crying baby. Stumbling to kitchen for a bottle.  Trying to remember how to change a diaper. Staring blankly at the wall.      3:17 a.m. Repeat.     3:38 a.m. Repeat, ad nauseam... Becoming a mom is exhausting. Multiply that exhaustion by the number...
There are lots of perks to be being a mommy today. We have drive-thru restaurants, Dr. Google on our phones, and so many social media outlets we are never truly alone. However, there are downfalls as well. My kids...
The temperatures have officially dropped below freezing.  I've pulled out the hats.  I've matched up all of the gloves, and my kids have retired their warm weather wardrobes. But despite the cold temperatures, if you see me running into a store you probably won't see my toddler wearing...
When my OBGYN told me I would be delivering my baby the following day (at 35 weeks, 5 days), my biggest fear was that my baby would end up in the NICU. Everyone tried to reassure me that she...
Long before I ever conceived my daughter, I knew I wanted an unmedicated, natural birth. I knew I wanted as little interventions as possible. So when my husband and I finally became pregnant after years of trying, we immediately joined...
Eight years ago this December, I graduated college with the intentions of teaching high school English. Life happened, and well, teaching DIDN'T happen. I took a corporate job (or three), moved multiple times, got married and started a family....
Motherhood is a lot of things - it’s beautiful, exhausting, challenging and fun, all at the same time. It’s life changing and it makes your heart feel so full it could burst. While that’s all fine and good, during the...
Dear NICU Mom,  Please know that you are not alone. When you leave the NICU without your baby for the first time, overwhelmed and heartbroken, you aren’t alone. I know how it feels to send updates to friends and family, fighting for words...
Everyone who has kids has that moment. And you remember that moment vividly, for better or worse. That first moment you were alone, with all your kids, after adding a new one to the bunch (or starting your bunch for...

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