Richelle Byrne

Richelle Byrne
Richelle is originally from Minnesota and moved to Oklahoma in 1998! She now resides in Arcadia with her husband of 15 years and 4 boys (10,8,6 and 1). She also has a stepdaughter who is 23 and is getting married this year! Richelle is going on her 20th year in the real estate industry and enjoys helping many families obtain the dream of owning or selling a home. In her free time, she enjoys being outside exploring with her family, having movie nights, lunch dates with friends and working out at Orangetheory. One day she hopes to live on some land and own a cow!

Top 10 Things To Do Before You Stock Up on Pumpkin Spice

The end of summer is upon us and fall is almost here. For all the pumpkin spice, cashmere sweater candle lovers and pumpkin decorators, your time is about to shine. Hit pause and keep...

Is It Time for a Family Dog?

I knew at some point while raising our boys that we just needed a dog. A boy without a dog just didn’t seem right. What I wasn’t prepared for was how much work and...

Just a Mom Living That Summer Circus Life

As I write this, I am searching deep in my head to find the words to express how I feel about summer with four busy home. My brain is mush and I’m currently...
Mothering into My 40's

Mothering into My Forties

I remember when I was younger, looking up to my parents thinking they were so “grown up” in their 40s. They had fancy business meetings, they had all the cool sharpies and highlighters, and...

When You Don’t Have a Father on Father’s Day

With Father's Day coming up, I've been reflecting on all things "dad". Some were lucky to have an amazing and supportive dad growing up, while others may have had a distant relationship or even...

Mr. Picky Pants

Do you have a picky eater? A picky-pants-wearer? Maybe you are raising one or maybe you are married to one. In my case, it's both. I love when my day starts with my 6-year-old freaking out...

How To Travel With Kids

  Traveling with kids takes a whole new level of planning. I have learned over the years that there are things that make traveling, in our case a party of six, a lot easier!   After we...

It’s the Little Things: What Mom Really Wants for Mother’s Day

  Being a mom is full of joyful moments, selflessness and unconditional love, but moms can also feel under-appreciated and often invisible. We are the referees in a fight, the doctor for a skinned knee,...

Bringing Back the Olden Day Summers

Spring is here and that brings warmer weather! We can finally play outside, but do we? I took my one-year-old to the park today and he was so happy collecting acorns, sticks, and crumpling up...

The Messy Mom Mobile

Every single time my husband gets in my car I get the eye rolls and, "Why is it so hard to keep your car clean?" "Have the kids help you" and "try to be...