Nicky Omohundro

Nicky Omohundro
Nicky is a California native who moved to Oklahoma over 15 years ago when the military transferred her husband here. Since then, they've come and gone a few times. But after he retired, they decided to make OKC their permanent home. By day, she's a homeschooling mom of 3; ages 12, 9, & 7. By night, she's a healthy food and travel blogger at Little Family Adventure. When she gets a little extra time, she enjoys reading, traveling, exploring local events, running, and cooking. Follow her on Instagram @lilfamadventure or on Twitter @nicomohundro
Be Your Child’s Best Teacher

Be Your Child’s Best Teacher

From the beginning, your children need you. You care for, nurture, and instruct them in everything. From you, they learn to tie their shoes, cooperate with others, share, behave in public, etc.  You are...
Strawberry Yogurt Parfait

Easy Valentine’s Day Treat – Strawberry Granola Parfaits

    Valentine's Day really puts New Year's resolutions to the test. All those sweet treats, chocolates, desserts just call your name. Can't you just hear them? They're saying "Eat Me" and "Take a Bite".  As...
Exercise with Kids: 4 Tips to Get Active Together

Exercise with Kids : 4 Tips to Get Active Together

For 2015, two of my New Year’s resolutions are to exercise more and spend more time playing with my kids. To be honest, I haven’t been doing so well with that first part. I’m...
Eat Healthy on a Budget with ALDI

New Year’s Resolution: Eat Healthy on a Budget with Aldi

Are you trying to eat healthier this year? Every year, many of us make a resolution to eat healthier or go on a diet as part of a New Year's Resolution. Eating healthier means eating...