Monthly Archives: August 2014

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

"Why is it when mom throws a fit, she gets her way?" Let me back up a little before this comment was made. Becoming a mom changed...

The Lunch Bunch.

My daughter, Avery, is heading to kindergarten this fall. For the first time ever, she will be wholly responsible for consuming her lunch. To...

Parenting Script: 5 Tips on Sexual Abuse Prevention

This series is in response to Where’s My Parenting Script?! Please check back each Wednesday in the month of August for more tips. As noted...

Hot Mamas Run {Giveaway!}

As a runner, I absolutely love 5K's. They are enough of a race to feel like I've accomplished something, but not such a distance...

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Growing up, there was a show that always made me chuckle funny - "Kids Say the Darndest Things."  If you are too young to...

Breastfeeding: Beautiful, Not Glamorous

Ahhh, it's here again. World Breastfeeding Week. The only time in our culture where you will see boobs with babies on them all over...

Back to School: Uniform Fashion with French Toast {Giveaway!}

This is my daughter's first year in school, so I'm a newbie when it comes to shopping for those back-to-school necessities. When I got...

Parenting Script: 5 Tips for Parents on Tackling Child Safety

This series is in response to Where's My Parenting Script?!  Please check back each Wednesday in the month of August for more tips. Hi OKC moms!...

Positive Jars

As parents, we try to teach our kids to make good decisions, to be nice to their siblings, and to help out around the...

Downward Dog to Uptown Girl: 3 Ways to Transform Your Yoga...

As a Style Coach, the #1 comment I hear from moms is, "I wear yoga pants everyday and don't have time to look cute"...

Three Simple Rules for Back-to-School Shopping with a Tween Girl

It's that time of year again. That time when all of us moms look with eager anticipation at the calendar, our hearts jumping with...