As an adult, I have determined people can still hurt my feelings. Intentional or not, I still find myself wondering how a person could not see how their choice affected me. There are times I find myself in a...
If you’re like me, you get super wrapped up in the mundane responsibilities of being a mom, and your relationship with your significant other begins to take a backseat. Between work, kids, pets, chores, errands, bills, the house… sometimes...
Interestingly enough, Oklahoma City is a hotspot for all kinds of crime. Drug trafficking - check.  Human trafficking - check. Identity theft - check. Wait.... identity theft? Yes. Oh, you thought that was all done on the internet? NOPE....
I have a sign that sits on my desk and it says "Hello Beautiful". I read it every morning and I hear the phrase in my head with a British accent. I'm a sucker for accents ... I can't...
To my fellow night owl mommas, I have something revolutionary to share with you. I know, truly, you won't believe it but you will once you've successfully tried it. I've been a night owl for as long as I can remember....
I am going to start this post by loudly saying, I am not an expert in homeschooling, teaching, parenting, or anything really, so when I talk about lessons and curriculum, it's just what I've found that works for us. Last year...
We live on a mostly single income, that is when Davis isn't working part-time. Although my benefits are better than most jobs, my salary is comparable to a teacher's salary, to give you an idea. We have to budget...
When I searched the word "resolution" on Merriam-Webster's website, this is what it said; resolution: the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem, etc. As a mom, I solve problems every day.  I find a lost shoe...
Disclaimer:  This is a sponsored post for Spontaneity Kid Care.  However, all opinions are 100% our own and we stand by Spontaneity Kid Care and all that we endorse. How many of us have to opt out of last minute...
With everyone on high alert and preparing to #flattenthecurve by way of self-quarantine, I've taken this opportunity to clean out rather than stock up. In general, we mamas know the drill come spring! Something inside us stirs, and we...
This past weekend we faced yet another tragedy in Oklahoma, another unfortunate event that has brought us together to remember we are and always will be Oklahoma Strong, no matter the circumstances. In light of the OSU homecoming tragedy,...
You know that feeling when you need to give up something you love but you really don't want to? But you know you have to for your own good. (Like when people tell me that bread is the devil, but I'm...

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