Bloom 2018 is going to be the best one yet! We've brought back some favorites from last year and discovered some new resources for our mamas! All moms are welcome - join us!  Who:: Bloom is geared towards moms of...
Like a lot of pregnant women, I wondered if I would poop during labor. Obviously, I realize there are much bigger concerns during labor, but it was a valid fear for me. I have never pooped (or even passed gas)...
Starting IUI (Interauterine Insemination) can be difficult. You don't always know what to expect—from the procedures to the costs and side effects. To help show what an IUI cycle looks like, I invite you to join me for the...
Have you ever been in a situation where you knew too much? Maybe you're stuck in the middle of a debate between two friends and you know too much about the situation. In that moment you might wish you...
My first child was welcomed into the world under bright lights and surgical masks. My memory of her is vague: I remember hearing her first cry. I remember my husband, with tears in his eyes, exclaiming, “She’s beautiful.” After she...
In September of 2017 we learned that our IUI had been successful and that we were finally going to be parents. On October 11th we discovered that something might not be right, but we held on to hope that...
Pregnant. The test said pregnant. All at once, I felt hollow…not because I was devastated, but because I was in shock. We already have a baby. A beautiful baby girl who is still a baby. She needs me, every minute of every...
I just ate a whole bag of chips. I've been crying for three days. I have wanted to maim my husband at least twenty-seven times in the last hour. I'm taking every single thing personally. I keep feeling like...
Fertility. The word itself carries connotations of a formulaic process. Commit this specific act in this specific time frame and you will conceive a child. It's objective. Scientific. It clearly works for so many without a second thought. It's just...
Nothing has come more natural to me than parenting. Hear me out when I say I am not writing this to brag or shame anyone. I am writing this to share how you too can be confident in your...
I crouched forward, pressing my forehead to the cool bathroom tile, inwardly praising my husband for his recent scrub of the floor. I breathed in and out slowly, willing away the stomach upheaval and silently pleading for some semblance...
The pediatrician waited for me to respond.  She'd just told me everything the mother of a newborn wants to hear - the baby is healthy. He's at the top of the growth chart. He's tracking movement. So, why was she staring...

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