Bringing a baby earth side isn't always sunshine and rainbows, sometimes it's gray skies and rain. Leaving your baby in the NICU is hard enough while you're in the hospital but it's absolutely heart wrenching when you leave them to...
I crouched forward, pressing my forehead to the cool bathroom tile, inwardly praising my husband for his recent scrub of the floor. I breathed in and out slowly, willing away the stomach upheaval and silently pleading for some semblance...
There comes a point in each woman's pregnancy when you tire of unsolicited opinions, and everrryyy mama-to-be has SOMETHING specific that really just "grinds their gears". For me, the primary annoyance with both pregnancies was everyone's preference for gender....
**Each Friday, starting Nov 7 and for the next 7 weeks, we will be posting a new blog post about breastfeeding and several different journeys our team has experienced.** Breastfeeding is the strangest, most wonderful thing I have ever been blessed...
When I was pregnant with my daughter, I signed my husband and me up for all the classes that our hospital offered. Birth, breastfeeding, newborn name it, we were there. The only one we missed was the night they...
When you picture home birth do you get anxious, skeptical, or even weirded out?  Then this post is just for you.  OKC Moms Blog's resident home birthers (contributors Becky and Anna) want to clear up some misconceptions and hopefully...
  I have 3 people I get to claim I gave birth to.  It was 13, 11, and 9 years ago.  And I'm going to make a confession. I don't really remember much of any of their births. I sometimes feel weird...
I was a young mom when I brought my first baby home from the hospital. I was so inexperienced with baby sleep schedules that I was sure we would never sleep again. I spent many nights bouncing, rocking, and...
When the traditional way to grow your family doesn't work for you, it can send your brain spinning. There are so many other options out there, ranging from IUI to adoption. How do you choose which one will work...
  Breastfeeding, breastfeeding, breastfeeding... breast is best they say. I just want to start off by saying FED IS BEST! But, for those mamas who are set on walking the breastfeeding journey or are more lax about trying it and seeing...
I came across this article the other day and laughed because it really hit home with me--it was a relief to know I wasn't the only one who did crazy things after becoming pregnant. I thought I would share with...
We have a baby shower problem, y’all, and we need to talk. Tell me the point of making a registry if no one is going to look at it? Or, at least mark an item as bought? Mom-to-be, consider this...

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