If you would have asked 17-year-old me what my life would be like at 30 years old, I would have most likely given you an answer that was nowhere near what my life is currently like. Primarily - I would...
Can we just stop with all this #CoupleGoals stuff that just makes the majority of women (and perhaps men) feel like garbage?   Do I need to see absurdly fit and attractive couples working out in the gym and the man...
Ugh. That's the one word that always comes to mind when I look at my calendar. I'm one of those people who writes every little thing down, lest I forget (mom brain, anyone?), and it seems like lately there...
In the recent 2016 movie, Bad Moms, Amy Mitchell reflects on her troubled marriage, recalling that she and her husband had married so young, that they never really got to have the usually carefree period people typically enjoy in...
This post is part of our True Life series where OKC moms are sharing real trials & tribulations they have gone through as mothers, as wives, and as women.  It's been said that emotional abuse is like a frog in...
This post is part of our True Life series where OKC moms are sharing real trials & tribulations they have gone through as mothers, as wives, and as women.  There's no instruction manual on how to go through infidelity. When...
My heart sinks every time someone tells me stories of how wonderful their relationship with their mother is. I would give anything to be able to say the same. I don’t have memories of closeness with my mother. I...
When I was in my twenties, not married, and without any kids, I had the opportunity to travel and talk to teenage girls about sex. As I've gotten older, (and married, and had kids) not a lot has changed...
Dear Mama Whose Partner Works Long Hours, From the moment you wake up in the morning to your little ones yelling "Mama! Get up!" to the moment you finish the bedtime routine with a special song and walk out of...
It was a quiet, tearful drive to the Dallas airport. I felt my husband driving slower, just trying to prolong the inevitable. In a few short hours, he would be boarding a flight back to Germany where he would...
“Should you start putting a towel or something underneath the sheets in case your water breaks while in bed?” my husband nervously asked. (Insert big eye role from an overly pregnant me.) “No,” I simply stated. “I’ve read that the chances...
Hey, babe. It's February. The month of love. And I see that look in your eyes as you come home from another long day at work. You drop your bags and shrug off your coat, then move immediately toward the shelter...

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